Thursday, July 4, 2019

Hayden and Tank & EARTHQUAKE!! CRAZY!!!

UPDATE: OMG that was the first real quake I have felt in years! Usually we miss them or it's a minor jolt. This was a long rolling quake where everything shakes. Husband had time to run out of the bedroom and grab me in the dining room where I am writing.

"I do not like this," he said and then started coughing and I got him back to bed where he has his work day setup. So crazy!! Everything is fine here!! It was a 6.6 they are saying!

Original: __________________________________________

New story is going really well. I am not sure where It's going to head. I think the best part is being able to share it with my husband. He likes it so far. He says he can see me in both of the characters. He said he worries about some day being separated from me and our future kids because we will all be US citizens and he is still working on it. It takes years and years, but us being married makes it easier. 

I also like being able to make art to add to the stories. It adds a new layer to things. 

I used instagram pics for the characters but then I decided to cover their faces because I would be freaked out if I saw my pic on some stranger's story. The one I got for the mom character. She is apparently an actress so she's fine. Then the one I got for the dad character. He is featured on lots of accounts for hot Arab guys. The pic in the middle is the Mesa, Arizona LDS temple. 

SO click here to read and upvote if you want to check it out. :) 

We are supposed to go to a July 4th party down by the beach in Newport, but husband woke up not feeling so great. It always happens to him on a holiday because his body is pretty stressed from all the things he does so he finally has a full day of no business and his body says "Ok now is a good time to strike him down!" 

I feel bad for him. I made him some toast and happy tummy tea. 

Happy 4th! 


  1. Aww...I'm sorry he is not feeling well. I know he works very hard to provide for you and your future children. Hopefully he will feel better and you guys can at least go watch some fireworks.

    I am busy in the kitchen! My guy loves American holidays and planned a cookout this afternoon. His father rented a fleet a Limos to show up here at dusk to take everyone who wants to go downtown to the White River State park for the free concert and fireworks. I'm going to be surrounded by incredibly hot Arab men all day and evening...ha ha! But, I will be the good boy and make sure everyone is fed and has a good time.

    1. Your day sounds like a lot of fun. My guy has been napping for about an hour. He never sleeps this much. I told him I'll wake him up so we can watch the fireworks on tv. He thinks he is going to get dressed and drive me up to the top of our neighborhood and watch the fireworks from the car. Um no he is not even doing well with standing up so no driving! :)

  2. Just got home. Zahir took me out with a few ex-pats from the States. So weird celebrating our nation's birth here. I am glad he is off this weekend.

    I hope Ash feels better soon enough to celebrate with you.

    1. Just reloaded my browser and saw the update. Glad you are all ok. Any damage to the castle? I hate quakes I'd rather ride out a cat 5 cane than a quake.

    2. Yes!! It was shaking but more like a gentle roll. It was like someone was rocking the house to sleep gently. Not a jolty earthquake. The news said it was the biggest in 20 years! I wasn't born when they had the northridge quake in 94, but people say it was awful and people were sleeping in the parks because they kept feeling aftershocks. :( This one was not too bad.

    3. We had fireworks of a sort in Amman yesterday as well. Our favorite place to have a burger downtown blew up. Wasn't a terrort attack, it was a stupid gas leak. Two people are dead 3 are in the hospital.

  3. Nice to cover their faces. I’ve done some modeling and have since seen my pictures in unexpected places. If it’s not for profit I don’t care but it’s definitely weird to see your face somewhere unexpected.
    Loved the newest chapter. And I’m glad you’re ok.
