Friday, July 5, 2019

Bigger Earthquake! So Scary!!

Ok that was the biggest earthquake that has happened in my lifetime and OMG that was some crazy shit. Yesterday's was just over 6 on the scale and tonight's was over 7!! It was not NOT the gentle rolling quake from last time. This was a big jolty quake that made cabinets open in the kitchen and a cutting board fell off the counter. I know that sounds stupid but it was seriously scary!! So crazy. I do not like this. 

Husband says they had them in Iran this big. I am seriously freaked. He says we can sleep in a tent in the yard if I want, but he really doesn't want to do that. I just feel dizzy, like things are spinning and weird. 

No writing on the next Hayden chapter tonight. I am about halfway through the next chapter (chapter 6). Please read it and give it a thumbs up star if you can :) 

Earthquake has me shooooook. :( My stomach feels twisty. 


  1. Disaster sustainable housing is my thing. I was inspired by my one (and likely only) trip to Iran. They had a nasty earthquake and the company Zahir works for helped with the recovery/rebuild.

    Glad you to are ok. How is your father coping? Damage this time? Is husband feeling better?

    1. He is mostly back to normal and in full daddy mode. He said I kept jerking suddenly in his arms last night. I woke up sweaty and everything still feels a little shaky, uncertain. Our house is fine.

      I have this small glass thing you set hot things on. It has a little map of california on it and it fell over from where it stood against the backsplash near the stove. That is officially our only damage. hehe. But wow it felt so crazy! I don't ever want to feel that again.

    2. It's midnight here. I'm trying to be quiet otherwise Zahir is going to shove one of those pills down my throat.

      After feeling the ground shake under my feet, I prefer hurricanes. You can at least see them coming and get the hell out of the way.

      Earthquakes are just crazy.

  2. A couple of years ago, we had a small earthquake here in Indiana and it was felt from Chicago all the way to Kentucky. There is a major fault Line here (the New Madrid fault) and apparently it is long overdue for a major quake. When it happened, I thought someone hit the house and it rattled the windows. Like Chase, I prefer our many tornados, because you are warned before they come.

    1. I keep feeling quakes that aren't there now! it sucks. haha. But husband says it will settle down and I'll be back to normal soon. Hopefully! :)
