Sunday, July 21, 2019

Last day of vacation

The cruise was amazing! The first few days sucked and we fought, but then it was really fun. We are getting off the boat soon to head home.

Before we even left, my husband said he was worried about us being together nonstop in a small room. He knows I need my space and he knows he can be kind of smothering towards me with his family. 

That’s exactly what happened. 

The good part is that his family completely accepts us as a regular married couple. 

But they pick at him. Both his parents said he eats too much and I eat too little. My husband has gotten bigger, but to me he’s still the hottest guy I’ll ever see. My favorite place on earth is burrrowed into his hold. 

Plus, he works incredibly hard to make a nice life for us and our future kids. That’s stressful. 

Every time we ate with them he’d tell me I need more. When I got a plate of cucumbers and hummus for lunch, he said that wasn’t enough. 

Him: You need meat, my love 
Me: I don’t want meat. I want what I got.
Him: This is not enough, my heart. You will be hungry! 
Me: if I’m hungry then I’ll get more later. They have food 24 hours a day. Please stop. 

This was us at every meal with his parents.

Then there were the activities. They wanted to shop or lounge in the vip area. I wanted to do the activities or use the nice gym or pool or go karts they have. We kept missing the activities I wanted to go to like painting classes or trivia games. 

The painting class you have to get to early and put your name down when the lady gets there. I wanted to go before and wait... but he didn’t want me sitting there by myself while he finished up some work on his laptop in the room. Because of course if I am on my own in a busy place then I’ll get snatched up by some hungry man. 

I had to wait for him because his boy needs an adult. By the time we got there it was full and they’d already started. That happened twice. 

He felt awful and I, burying my feelings like I often do, said it was ok and no big deal. I know better than to do that. I don’t speak up like I should. 

Then the clothing! At home I wear whatever but in public he wanted me super covered. “You will be cold and get sick!” 

I finally exploded when we were walking with his family and he was trying to massage the back of my neck but also doing that to guide me through the crowd and it hurt. I told him to stop and he didn’t hear me. 

I finally turned on him and pushed him away and told him I was done. I started crying and told him he was being a dick then went back to our room because I didn’t want to cry in front of people.  

Husband came 15 minutes later and we talked it out. He brought me a moose from the gift shop. It was the one I liked the first day but I said it was too expensive and I don’t need more stuffed creatures. He went back and got it to cheer me up. He made it talk and apologize to me. He called it make up moose. He buys me things when he feels bad. He buys me things when he’s happy too. 

He said his parents thought he’d hurt me. “They look at me like I am evil asshole who hurts his little love. My mother say I don’t deserve you.” 

His father has always told me I am too nice and accommodating to my husband. I take care of him like a king. He’s said a Persian wife would demand more and keep him on the chase and I should do that with my husband. That’s not me. I am grateful for how hard he works for us. I try to make him happy at all times, but i do need to speak up more. 

The rest of the week was better. We got to do the paint class. It was a starry sky with the northern lights. We did go karts and a train ride and toured the little towns. Ketchikan was the best, Juneau was pretty, Haines was meh. Alaska is mountainous! The glacier we saw broke off some smaller pieces right in front of us! It was crazy beautiful. 

The funny part is we kept crossing paths with this holland cruise boat that was LOADED with older gays. At every port he was getting scoped left and right; especially when he held my hand or put his arm around me in the restaurants. 

I got the look from them that I get from older gays. It’s like “you’re just a gold digging trophy boy.” My husband didn’t notice it at all. He said they were just nice older men seeing two younger guys in love. 

I did like their rainbow shirts with sayings like “I sweat glitter!” Or “I can’t even think straight!” Juneau had pride stickers in every shop window. Ketchikan had flags out to welcome them. 


  1. Aside from the fact that I get sea sick as hell, I would love to take a cruise. Considering he just bought a jet, I don't think that's too bloody likely.

    Glad you had fun. Make up Moose sounds cute. My guy sends me yellow flower apologies. I understand the clothing situation. Z doesn't like me wearing t-shirts or short sleeves, not even at home. When we were moving into the little house I wore one of my old camp T-shirts, needless to say he did not approve. Heaven forbid if the clothing is tight. The first thing he got out of my wardrobe were my skinny jeans and most of my shorts.

    I am grateful Ash found time to get away from work.

    1. I didnt have any problems with seasickness, thankfully! I was worried about that, but I just swayed with the boat. :) The moose was cute. He felt so bad! But sometimes we get to that point before we sit and have a good conversation about things. I need to speak up! I know this :)

  2. Aside from the arguing, I'm glad that you had a good time. I have been on a cruise and did not have a good time. I was extremely claustrophobic in the room and all anyone wanted to do was eat and drink. I saw some beautiful things, but the cruise was just too much for me.

    Those of us who are married/attached to Middle Eastern guys understand the clothing and security thing. He wouldn't care if I was naked all the time at home, but now, even with the 100° heat, I am always covered when we are out and his hand is always on my back or shoulder guiding me when we are in crowds.

    1. They were constantly eating because there was food everywhere. At one point we went to brunch then went back to the room so they could nap and my guy could work and then they wanted to go directly to lunch! I was like No!! Please! :) haha. That was part of my frustration, being trapped in the room with my working guy or being in an awkward food situation. Things got better after we talked stuff out, but I totally agree with your thoughts on cruising. I am ok with not doing it for a long time.

      We are supposed to have a super hot week down here coming up. It wasn't bad at all in Alaska, upper 60s mostly. So he had reason to cover me up. If we had gone on a cruise south to a hot area then I would have revolted! :)

  3. Went on one cruise-- was a complete anxiety-riddled freak every time the ship pulled away from a port until it pulled into the next one. I wasn't afraid of the ship sinking-- it was the sense of being trapped. It is also why I will not get into an elevator with just one other stranger. I have literally gotten off them or when I have been on them alone and it stops and 1 stranger went to get on told them that I was pretty sure there would only be one of us alive when it makes its next stop and then asked them if they felt lucky!!! Anxiety can make you do CRAZY things!
