Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Hayden 8 is up!

Finished up the newest chapter of Hayden this morning. YES That is Diego Tinoco in the picture. Love him. :) 

Click to check it out. Or copy paste link if you go incognito here:

I'm ranked! The story is doing really well. Thank you all for looking at it and voting and commenting support. :) 

I am so excited for this series! I know I keep saying that. I am super twisted about what to do with the Aaron character and I don't want to give too much away before people have had a chance to read it. It's funny because right now I am seriously not cool with one of the Aarons in my life. 

This kid I was friends with sort of in high school and then we crossed a few times when I was taking college classes on campus. He has been super rude since my husband and I moved to Orange County. I don't want to get into it, but he is out going to clubs and parties and sleeping with other guys and I guess he thinks I should be doing that too. He is unhappy that I'm married and have a husband with a job and a house? Like is that even something to be mad at someone about!? He's made some racist comments too about my Persian husband. 

ANYWAYS! My point is that I feel both sides for the Aarons vs the Tanks of this gay life. No one should have to be forced into being an out loud advocate but also no one should be shamed for having a little too much glitter in their wand. Does that make sense? 

I was never either of them. I wasn't the alpha jock dude bro and I wasn't the fierce diva. I was what my dad called a late bloomer. I was a quiet observer to this whole thing. I was too nerdy and shy and small to participate. 

My husband says he likes what a "Quiet boy" I am. That kind of bugs me too because I know he means I can pass for straight and blend into the wall. I'm not someone that stands out and risks getting attacked. I'm not proud of that. It's a form of privilege I guess. I don't worry so much about being hurt for being me. But I do worry for those people who do have to choose between being themselves and being safe. I worry for those who don't have a big Persian husband to protect them. 


  1. #5 in Boyxboy so happy for you!!!

    1. Thank you!! And thank you so much for commenting and voting. :) You are seriously awesome!! :)

  2. I'm more of a 'Hayden' than 'Aaron'. People usually don't know I'm gay and that's fine by me. It's no secret, but also doesn't define my whole personality.

    People should not force others to be someone they aren't. If someone is obvious, that should be ok, but also the opposite.

    I'm not that into the 'gay scene' and don't go to Pride. But being gay is also not such a huge thing, here (in The Netherlands).

    Loved the chapter, btw :-)

    1. Thank you! I am so happy the story is charting and doing well.
      I am too shy in public and I get anxious and stuttery when I have to talk in front of a group so I am usually just a silent observer.
      The Nertherlands sounds really cool. All I know about it is pot and windmills, but I've never heard anything the least bit bad about it. Plus, a lot of famous hot youtubers are Dutch guys. :) They do an american accent that sounds like they're from here.

  3. I am really loving the story!! You don't have to write steamy sex scenes to make a good story. This is more of a love/coming of age story and it is off to a wonderful start.

    I am very comfortable in my skin (mum likes to say) and I detest people who try to bend others into their way of thinking. You know the story of my first boyfriend and the disaster that turned out to be. It should never matter who you are or who you love. This is not a choice we make. After all, who would "choose" a life that often causes so much misunderstanding and hate? Sorry, that is my soapbox moment...

    1. So true. You have definitely lived through it and I am glad you are at a much better place. Soapbox is ok, drag it out as needed. :)

  4. Jessica needs to stop. She’s like a gnat I want to swat away.

    1. Just wait. Chapter 10 gets much much worse.

  5. Congrats on the ranking. Try not to pay much attention on that or the views or votes really. It’s more about strategizing how to tag your stories on Whattpad. The more tag word/categories you put to your books, the more reads. I’ve had come across books with very poor storyline and poor writing with many reads and really good books with few reads. One thing I notice is how they tag the stories.

    The reason you said you stopped posting on Literotica was the constant checking from your part of the ranking of the stories (that hot red square). Your self consciousness took over I believe. I wouldn’t like for that to happen on Whattpad. That platform can be very cruel for writers. Majority of readers and writers are teens. I can tell from their comments. I’ve come across young writers quitting their stories or changing completely the storyline trying to please readers and nothing ever works at the end.
    I can see how overwhelming reading comments could be. Please try not to fall for that.

    - Try to ignore that old ‘friend’. Or block him completely.

    1. Woah!! I had totally forgotten about that. You are right! That is exactly why I left literotica.
      I like the wattpad format though. I am starting to add pictures and art to the series. With the Lukas series, I am chopping it up into shorter chapters and cleaning it up with no explicit sex scenes.

      And yes. I totally agree with you! There are a lot of Asian stories (BTS Fan fiction especially) that are highly read and voted on and then I open to look and it is barely readable. I wonder if people use bots or something to get votes/likes like on twitter or instagram.

  6. It may be that. IG May be a important tool for them. I started reading your book and you never disappoint. I specially like some the humor thrown in there. What I’ve been missing from your previous stories is a good wrap up/ending. You have left each of the Hamad series open and linked them all somehow where it gives a little window in the lives of the old characters. Can’t wait to see how you will end with this new story. Thanks for sharing your work :)

    1. The Hamad stories were meant to keep going and going, but I do agree I should have put some kind of wrap up resolution chapter with them. :) I like threading them through new series and seeing how they changed. Some day Ali Hamad would have to die in a story. I'll wait a long time to write that.
