Sunday, February 3, 2019

Super Sunday

The family-in-law is here. They came in Thursday not Wednesday (I'm bad with days). I think they are stressing my husband out. This morning we woke up but stayed in bed until his mom knocked on our door to check on us. 

It was pouring down rain all crazy yesterday and he's getting sinus problems from running around in it the last few days. His mom is babying him beyond belief! I usually take care of him when he's sick, but she is kind of overdoing it. She made some crazy soup remedy and then decided to clean our place like that is what was making him sick. I clean this place like crazy!! I have bleach wipes in every room of the house! But whatever. I let her sweep imaginary dust. My husband feels sick so I'm keeping things happy for him. 

It has been nice having her cook! :) She makes these big elaborate dinners that completely trash the kitchen and then when I try to help her clean up she shoos me away. So that is nice! :) 

Friday I took his mom and brother out on the town. It went well! The really liked The Grove and Farmer's Market. It's really old, right by where CBS was. I don't think they film anything there anymore, but we used to see the Price is Right audience lined up some mornings when I would commute with my husband. 

His brother bought a lot of clothes and his mom got me some too. It's been nice. I think my dad has a crush on his mom. He saw me communicating with brother-in-law using google translate and later I saw my dad trying it with his mom. He has always kind of eyed her, but now he is armed with communication. haha. I think he has zero chance. She is happily married and my father-in-law is a very handsome and attentive husband. Maybe he's just being friendly! 

They are all watching the super bowl now. I need to get to writing. I have things to publish!! 


  1. Why are they stressing him out? My guy has a wonderful close relationship with his family and we are usually there on Sunday evening for dinner with the extended family. Last evening we stayed home though, so he could have a bunch of friends over to watch the game. I pretty much stayed in the kitchen and studied while they yelled at the tv, and refilled snacks and drinks like the good houseboy. I think he would have preferred me out there with him, but with a house full of hunky Arab men, it was probably just as well that I don't care about football and had other things to occupy my time.

    I hope your husband feels better soon. Sinus issues or infections are no fun and generally make you feel horrible .

    1. I think just trying to entertain them is stressful. he likes just coming home to me. My dad leaves us alone mostly. When A is home he gives us space. I hope you got good studying done! I am like that when his friends are over. I stay out of the way.
      He is feeling better today. The weather is cold and wet so it's hard for him to avoid it! It will be ok! :) Thank you

  2. If your home is small that makes it more stressful. I see why people get homes with separate in-law suites. It’s funny she actually knocked on the door when you were trying to have down time. Sounds like my family.

    1. She only knocks because he locks it. Otherwise she would come right in. When we get our house we'll make sure the master bedroom is off by itself. :)
