Friday, February 15, 2019

V-Day in LA

Yesterday was Valentine's day here in the US. I don't know if it is a world-wide thing. 

I woke up snuggled into my husband's side with an arm across his chest. I thought he was still asleep. I move my hand and my wrist feels weird. I look and see a red ribbon tied around it and then I follow the ribbon up to see one of those red foil helium balloons in the shape of a heart. He had tied it to my wrist without waking me up. He takes great pride in doing things to me without waking me up. He thinks it's funny... 

I wave my arm around and he starts laughing then tells me happy Valentine's day. The bad thing was that I needed to pee and I couldn't undo his knot so I had to trail it with me to the bathroom. He had done some crazy Iranian Army knot so I eventually had to cut it. He filmed me struggling with it. He thinks he is hilarious. 

We had a great V-day though. I got him the cologne that I love to smell on him. He got me flowers and chocolate and took me out for breakfast. He had to work, but we had a fun night when he got home. There were crazy storms yesterday! Lots of flooding. 

This cologne always brings me to his lap, but it also makes others flirt with him so...

We have been super busy, especially with the baby-making process going on. It could take a month or so to actually get it growing and then 9 months after it actually works. It could take a year and a lot of money before we actually have a baby. He is determined to have us in a house by July. 

He is doing really well and making a lot of money for the company that brought him on, and they are heavily helping with the baby costs, but they don't want him moving to Orange County. He says he will make it work but he wants us in a safe, quiet, gated, heavily patrolled city before the baby comes. 

Life is busy, but I am finding a little time to write. I need to finish this chapter. I need two more pages! I can do it! 


  1. Just caught up with your blog after long absence (i lost the url!). I'll be sorry to see the end of Lucas and Ari, but i'm sure you'll come up with some wonderful new characters to write about. So glad you escaped the fires, i was worried when you didn't post for a while.

    1. Thank you!! I think you can google my email address and it comes up with my google site that links to the blog. :) I Am finishing the last Lukas, it is turning out to be a long chapter. I should have done two more.

  2. I think it's funny too and very cute. I've never smelled that cologne and I wonder if it is better than what my guy wears now. I will have to look for it.

    We both had to work on Valentine's Day, so we are going out for dinner tonight. He will want to spoil me, and I think I might let him. Ha ha!

    1. What does your guy wear? I like trying different things on him. His body chemicals are different than mine so things smell different on him.

  3. I like "A's" balloon trick. I'm exactly the opposite of you, I wake up if he twitches in the bed.

    The places Zahir can take me to, he's not comfortable in. I guess romantic dinners out and being gay is something you don't do in Amman. I cooked and we danced in the parlor. My guy did get me a nice bottle of cologne. It's Bergamot and Lavender. I'm trying not to read too much into his choice of flowers and fruit. But he is right it does smell good on me. He tells me I'm only supposed to wear it when I'm with him. He has another one that I wear when I'm with his Mama it's cardamom and cedar.

    1. I get that! A was so shy about taking me certain places when we started going out. He was so afraid someone would make a comment to me about being gay or about being with a muslim or that they would judge us or something. It's the culture they are from. Being out and loud and proud is just not even a possibility. Plus he isn't a guy people would assume is gay at all so he didn't grow up with people treating him as anything other than a perfect golden trophy alpha jock rugged man's man. :) haha. Your scents sound nice!!

    2. If he were American like me, or even European, it wouldn't even cause people to raise an eyebrow here. Because he is Jordanian, and a Bedouin, it (our love) causes problems. When we get married, he will not even be able to wear a wedding ring here. Baba says I have a gift for "finding joy in the confines of our situation." I hope that is true.

      Z will be home soon, I smoked a couple briskets for dinner tonight while doing my term paper. Zahir is laughing at my dedication to this crappy class (oh, the humanities). Baba's physics class is far more interesting.

      I am starting to enjoy doing the homemaker thing, but I do miss being with Z at the office. I could be wrong but I think maid is getting irritated with me being underfoot.
