Thursday, February 28, 2019


We had an early dinner and we're spending the evening in bed. It's funny watching him work on his laptop in bed. He sits with his knees up and his laptop balanced on his legs but it slides down and rests against his... package. I pointed that out to him "You use your junk to hold your laptop." 

He laughed and said, "It is strong enough to hold you so a laptop is easy." Fair point. 

I like to go through relationship quizzes with him. He thinks its a waste of time, but I found this one interesting: 7 Habits that lead to Divorce. 

He says these are just ways for them to sell ads and not actual scientific articles or quizzes. He still suffers through them when I bug him with them. 

1. Being Overly Affectionate During The Newlywed Phase Of Your Marriage
-Ok so we have always been overly affectionate since even before I really knew he was into guys. It's been almost 4 years and we're still like that. 

2. Avoiding Confrontation
-This one is entirely my fault. I hate confrontation and he knows this so most of our important conversations are at night in bed with the lights off when he's less intimidating. He draws it out of me and never makes me feel bad for the way I feel or the things I ask for. 

3. Letting Debt Pile Up
- He handles all the money. I don't even pull out my wallet when we buy things. He would think that is ridiculous. I know he has savings for all kinds of things plus we don't really pay for thing. His car and our apartment are through his company and he owns the townhouse we lived in and rents that out so I assume we are good. 

4. Arguing over Chores
-We never do that. When we first lived together I would complain about him leaving his clothes wherever he took them off when coming home from work, but chores are my duty since he works. He does take out the trash and he does carry all the groceries and heavy things. 

5. Addiction to games and smartphones 
-This one is more bothersome to him. When we go to dinner or spend time on the couch, we never take out our phones and he will ignore his emails and things until we have had our time together or finished our conversation. He does work a lot so I don't complain. When he does play video games (which is rare these days) I will watch or go do my writing. He deserves time to blow off steam. 

6. Venting about the relationship to others. 
-Do I do that on here? I hope not. When I get mad at him and tell my dad, he always says the same thing, "HE is your husband, Em. You chose him so go and work it out with him." 

7. Being jealous of your partner's success. 
-I love his success. He is the alpha daddy who takes care of business and provides for his family. I would never want to do what he does. He loves his job and making big deals. I would hate that life and I would hate the pressure of keeping everything going like he does. He is a hard worker and I love the look he gets when I tell him how proud I am of him. He beams. 


  1. I think that everyone is guilty of each of those occasionally, but I really don't think it leads to divorce. They are kind of silly, but you answered them well.

    1. Yes! It drives A nuts when I take these quizzes seriously. He says we aren't a normal couple anyways, we are man and boy and we both know our place really well.

  2. Avoiding confrontation - I don't have that problem. Growing up my dad was pretty strict, and my husband is a take charge kind of guy. I know I'm indecisive. My husband says we would never get anything done if we waited for me to pick something off the menu or, decide what to wear, or or even where to go, etc. So I don't get upset about him making those decisions and taking the pressure off. Just like my dad, I know my husband loves me very much and I trust him with my life. He is very protective of me, which I love. It's natural for dad, when I was younger, and my husband,now, to keep tightening control to protect me. So I fight back to get more freedom. Then the battle is on. He'll find ways to punish me, and I will be a little bratt. In the end one of us wins or we compromise. If I didn't break the rules and take my licks, the protective control would lead to divorce, but I love my husband and fight for our relationship and our happiness. Love, love your writing! Daniel

    1. That's funny. We do the same thing. Sometimes at a restaurant he will ask me what I want or when we choose a place he will ask, but he knows I am not a decision maker. If I feel really strongly about a food or a place then he is surprised and I usually get it.

  3. Number seven has only been an issue once. He did not want me to go to Kiev while he was in Iran this last time. I never saw it as competing. I was the junior engineering team member, HIS intern. I was one of the trusted ones by the build team. The client thought I was benign, mouse boy.

    Zahir says I give up too easy.

    1. I don't see it as giving up. I see it as respecting your man and knowing he will put a lot of thought into decisions because he thinks of what is best for you/me. That's how mine is. He usually considers me more than I consider myself.

    2. Hope you feel better! My husband has the 24 hr urgent care center set as a map destination on his car nav. I have to really really really assure him that I am going to be fine with just some cabinet meds when I wake up like that.

    3. I think you posted this in the wrong place. Ha ha!

    4. No :) He had written about being sick. Everyone is sick right now but me! Even A is sniffling. I had a little congestion, but it is gone. The benefits of being a houseboy not exposed to the public... :P

    5. Emri,

      I am sorry, I deleted his comments. Chase will very likely be hospitalized for a few days.

      I am sorry my deletes caused confusion.


    6. حبيبي ، أنا أحبك
