Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Snoopy Bear

Um kind of weird, but my mother-in-law was in our bedroom this morning. My husband had left for work and I went to the gym with his brother to work out. His mom was cleaning up breakfast stuff and she had said through the translator app my husband put on her phone (Google is amazing!) that she was going to wash clothes. 

When we got back from the gym I didn't see her so I went into my bedroom (that I share with my husband obviously) and I found her sitting on the bed holding this stuffed build-a-bear my husband made for me like years ago when we were dating. 

He got it for me after the first time we did serious stuff together... like naked stuff. He got it because I had said at the mall that I'd always wanted one when I was a kid, but now I was too old for stuffed animals. He put the voice recorder thing in it and recorded three messages for me that play when you touch different parts of the bear. 

It's not dirty stuff, but it's lovey stuff. We were newish and texting or calling each other every five minutes. We'd talk on the phone every night until I fell asleep. He would stay there and listen to me breath and make sure I was out before he hung up. He made the bear in case I woke up and needed to hear his voice again or if I just wanted to hear him any other time. 

He used to always take little videos of me. He kept them on his phone and computer. He thought the way I eat ice cream is weird/cute so he recorded it. Or anything I did that he thought was cute, he'd pull out his phone and get a video of me. Most of his videos are me going "Stop. Why are you recording this? You're weird. Stop!" 

She had the bear and was using the google translator on her phone to figure out what her son had recorded for me!! Seriously private messages and she was translating them!! 

I thought she would be shocked or ashamed that I caught her, but she didn't seem the least bit disturbed at me walking in and seeing her invade our privacy. She smiled at me and held up the bear and said "Good! Is nice!" Then she put it back on the shelf (I can't sleep with him because he's too noisy whenever I shift or move). Then she goes and gets our clothes from the laundry hamper and smiles again and leaves. 

Seriously! I guess it's good she wasn't freaked about the bear... or her son making it for me... or even the fact that we are very much in love. But it still felt kind of weird that she was just looking around our room like it's an open museum. 

They are flying back to Texas tomorrow. My husband is coming home from work at lunch time to take them. I will miss her cooking and cleaning, but it will be nice to be back to our normal happy twosome. I know my dad lives with us, but he is very non-intrusive and he works a lot and hangs out with his friends a lot. 

Just had to vent that!! I feel weird about it. I told the husband when he got home, and he rolled his eyes and sighed and said that in her head she was showing acceptance of us. He said that if she didn't approve of us she would avoid our room completely since it is the place where we... do what two people in love do. He said she wouldn't take an interest in the things on our shelves or pictures or couple items if she didn't accept us. 

But he still felt bad that it creeped me out. I guess he is right. I should just let it go and see it from a good perspective. She will be here MUCH more often when we have babies! I already know that... and I can't wait for her help. :) My husband says she will definitely help us adjust. I KNOW I will need that, so I need to keep things happy between us. 



  1. That is kind of intrusive and I'm not sure how I would feel if I came home and found my guy's mom in our room looking around. I guess the fact that she liked the messages she heard was good though.

    The subject of babies is a hot topic around here. He wants kids and his parents want more grandchildren, but he wants me to finish my current degree though, so I don't lose focus. I'm sure that when your children come, you will see her a lot more and she will have plenty of more time to go through your things...ha ha ha!

    Just kidding. I'm sure she is a lovely woman and you are lucky that they love and accept you.

    1. I know! She can be really intrusive, but then I know she raised four healthy boys and I am super worried about what to do with a baby. I really need her to come in and be here and take over and show me how to feed and change and all that stuff. Plus I have a really cool grandmother who was there for me so I want the same for our kids. It makes A super happy when I talk like that.

      How much longer do you have on your big degree? I have about a year. I think. :)

    2. Oh, and by the way. I think we are close to needing a new thread. You know what I mean. Ha ha!

  2. I can finish in about 18 months at the pace I'm going now. I could finish earlier, but it would severely effect my home time. I usually study on days off during the week when he is at work, or in the evening when he is working on reports brought home.

    I think you will be surprised at how little help you need with a baby. Friends of mine adopted an infant and both guys said that the classes they took had good information, but parental instincts and common sense go a lot farther. I've worried about it too, but everyone I talk to tells me that worrying does no good. Just do what seems natural.

    1. Wow! You are close! How exciting. :) You do all that work and then you'll end up at home with ten babies. :) I know my husband wants a bunch.

    2. 10 babies?? Ha ha! Knowing my guy, you are right...

  3. I know I'm the relative newbie but I read it the same way Alex does. If she didn't approve she would avoid your place like the plague. She also wouldn't be there without her spouse. To me it sounds like the two of them are showing a great deal of trust and acceptance.

    1. I think so. She is very huggy with me and pities me for not having a mom. I think that helped them accept us as a couple on some level. My husband really sold them the pitiful lost boy image of me. heh :)
