Sunday, February 17, 2019

Abstinence :(

We are trying to make a baby and tomorrow the husband is going in to give his contribution and get it checked out. 

It's creating a problem I hadn't thought about. He wants to make sure he has a full cannon so we have had no together time since Valentine's night 😡He's also been eating strictly protein and wearing his old loose flannel boxers (I thought I'd thrown them all away). 

I didn't realize how dependent I am on our daily interactions. I keep reaching for it then stopping myself. I'm so used to just going for it. He never stops me. It's my security... pole. 

I think the longest we have gone is 36 hours except for the time he was traveling to Europe without me. It is making us both very cranky. Yesterday we had to go to Disneyland to distract ourselves. We walked all around the park and wore ourselves out so we went to bed early. 

Then today we went back to Orange County for the LGBT parent group we have been hanging out with. We made a day of it. The guys sympathized with the process! They mostly adopted, but two of the couples started on the route we're going with the surrogate process, but thought it was too expensive. 

We went to a pizza place that had games for the kids. It was cool. I rarely got to go to those places growing up so we played a lot. 🙋

It was funny they thought it was weird we just like to hang out with each other at Disneyland. We do ride some rides, but we have our out of the way spots to just sit and talk. My husband is a talker and a very interesting guy. He knows a ton about a lot of different things. We are comfortable with each other being silent, but we also spend a lot of time just talking to each other about things. He is a good listener too, even when I feel like my stuff is dumb kid stuff compared to his very grown-up-ness. 

I will be glad tomorrow after he finishes at the clinic and I can have my time back with it. He tried to get me to go about my normal routine, but I didn't want him to have to suffer while I enjoy myself. That wouldn't be right. It is making for some crazy dreams! 


  1. Already sacrificing for baby! You’ll be great parents. But that’s pretty rough.

  2. Remembering Zahir's last trip to Iran... Three days you say, that's rough. ;)

    Seriously though, I do feel for you. But your sacrifice will not be in vain. Hang in there.

    1. Please forgive me for teasing... Zahir reminded me it is harder to say no in the same room or bed, than being separated by borders. I am sorry and hope the testing went well.

    2. No no! I didn't take it like that. I know you went through super rough time when he was away for so long. I'm sure the missing him being there kind of overshadowed the missing him inside you thing. :( I couldn't do it.

  3. You say three days is rough, well try 2 weeks without any when you are used to getting it daily. It took almost 7 years of trying before we got preggers with our daughter. She has been called my miracle baby since day one. So I hope it takes for you and A. Looking forward to you saying you all are preggers (hopefully soon).
    Congrats on doing this as a team (family). It is great to see you going through this together.

    Remember there are you two together doing the child thing and once it is done, then there will be three people to think about becoming a family. All else doesn't matter once the kids come to life. Then all you have to think about is your hubby and child first and foremost. Don't let yourself get lost in the situation. You matter too!! Smile!!

    1. Aww yeah it has been rough, but we are back to good now and I know it is going to be worth it when we have babies. :) I Can't wait!

  4. I hope everything went well yesterday and that soon you will be waiting on your baby. I want this so bad too, but I have to wait. I totally agree with Aclassylady. You guys are a team and everything you do, you do it together. Good luck, my friend!!

    1. You two are going to have a whole minivan full of kids someday :)

    2. See emri, you have a bunch of peeps who like your stories and are friends through your blog who a looking forward to you and A having kids. Please let us know when you all are preggers and we will be more understanding for you and A.

