Sunday, February 10, 2019


I am just about finished with the final chapter of Lukas & The Shah. I should submit it this week. I just want to read it over a few times. I almost never write final chapters.  I'm not good at goodbyes, but I have other series floating around in my head. Not sure what I will write next. I feel like I am on the edge of big changes and that kind of is pulling me away from writing... 

Things are getting real in babyland! Since his parents moved to the US, my husband has been all focused on starting our family. He wants us moving into a house this summer. 

My cousin is going this week to donate her eggs and then my husband is going to go and add his part. I haven't met the surrogate. It's an agency thing and he has met with her, but I didn't want to... not yet. Once it takes, he says we will have weekly things with her. It's supposed to be activities for the pre-birth bonding. Like to talk to it in the womb and other weird stuff. I don't know... 

My husband is going to make recordings that she will play using these special headphones that go over where the baby is growing. Wombphones or wombpods or something. I don't know. He got a few books to read for the recording and then later when the baby is born we will read the books to him/her. 

It will be interesting to see if the baby shows any kind of familiarity with the story. I told my husband we need to get two books that he does not read to the baby. Then when the baby is born we can see if he/she has a preference for the stories my husband read. 

He is also going to make some Persian recordings for the baby so he/she can start learning Farsi or at least have some familiarity with it. 

The surrogate thing is super expensive, but part of the deal in working for the company that recruited him was that they cover some of it and help make it somewhat affordable. He says it is still super expensive, but he has saved for it. I'm kind of getting excited for it. 


  1. I'm excited for you and kind of jealous. You know, once the babies start coming, you won't be able to keep your mother in law away. Ha ha! I'll bet your little Persian/American babies will be beautiful and you will both be great daddies.

    1. Yes! She will move in until my husband kicks her out. :) I hope our babies come out cute. :)

  2. Big changes ahead, super exciting. I am sure husband and you would make lovely parents.Hope you will still keep writing, even if it is sparse, family first though :)

    1. Thank you! I am so close to finishing this chapter.
