Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Egyptian boys are pretty.

I am working on a new series! I really like how it's shaping up. I am doing the perspective of the alpha muslim boy hunting down a reluctant boy he thinks needs saving. This time I'm back with an Egyptian boy. He's in LA right now (of course) but maybe the story will get back to Egypt. Not sure where it will go. 

I really want to go to Egypt some day. Out of all the middle eastern countries, I want to visit Iran (of course since I married an Iranian), but next up would be Egypt. 


I knew an Egyptian boy in high school I kind of had a crush on. He was one of those nerdy guys that looked hot with his shirt off. He was so straight and my dad would never let me spend the night at his house when he invited me, but I had lots of dreams about him. He went off to Stanford when we graduated (of course). 

One night when my husband was scrolling through his facebook, I made him look up the Egyptian guy. A took one look at him and my face and quickly said "He is ugly. I do not like this boy." haha. He can be a little jealous some times. 


My husband has been to Egypt. He says it is crowded, hot, and struggling under the weight of its growth. He's been everywhere. I am jealous sometimes about how much he has seen, but as he likes to say, "I settled here. California is best." 

He really has no interest in taking me anywhere near the Middle East. He thinks boys like me are quickly taken as it is assumed American boys are easy, especially "light" boys like me. I think that's his way of saying I am obviously gay and quiet. Someday though he says he will take me to see the pyramids. 


  1. "American boys are easy..." I learned quick, conservative dress (AKA: long sleeves long trousers). I cannot speak for the entire Middle East but the men I have met during my travels are "tactile." I was lectured a lot about exposed skin being an invitation. In Jordan immodest attire is considered rude.

    The more I see, the more I want to travel and learn. Baba says I have a Bedu spirit. Most people who go to Petra and are overwhelmed by the size and color. When you look closer you see the tool marks and see the city was chiseled out of the hills by hand from top down. The huge rooms inside make even tall people feel small. I love a mystery, the big one from Petra is HOW was that space utilized.

    Long before "ancient" Rome had one, the people of Petra had and aqueduct system carved into the sides of the valley leading to the city. I suppose the big question for me is why did the city fail. MY theory's bounce between environmental changes and mismanagement. The fact the city was left empty implies the people just moved on.

    Egyptian, Persian, Syrian and Palestinian men are pretty but I have been spoiled by the love of a Bedouin no one else measures up. You likely share that filter but skewed towards Persian men, love is a good filter. I loved my time in Iran two years ago. We were in the west near Iraq. Oh, EM it was so old and beautiful. When we got back Mama took me from the room and Baba and the older brothers yelled at Zahir for taking me on the trip. I didn't see the danger until THAT moment. I hope one day it is safe for people like you and I to visit.

    1. I know what you mean! I love my Persian. He is every guy I drooled over growing up all wrapped into one guy who loves me very much. The funny thing is that he doesn't see how hot he is. He thinks we are beauty and the beast and he must protect me from others. Someday we will go to the Middle East. He says that eventually we will have to if there is an important funeral. Our kids will be american citizens like me, but he says he can apply for them to have both since their father will be him. I hope they turn out dark like he is. I want little versions of him. :)

  2. Aww, why didn’t he let you spend the night?

    1. When I was younger I was weird about it and would call him to pick me up. He always would! Especially if they had hot moms. Then when I hit 13 I actually wanted to, but some of my friends weren't the best and he didn't trust their homes.

  3. I have been to Egypt. It is very pretty there and the Egyptian men are very good looking. I know that I have told you about the Egyptian guys who live down the road from me. My guy does not like them at all and says they are too friendly with me. I hope you do get to travel to the middle east some day. I don't know if I would be interested in traveling to KSA where my guy is from. I'm sure it is beautiful, but the Saudi's are the least accepting and it could lead to trouble.

  4. Always wanted to visit iran: the (ancient) persian empire was the world's original superpower, and the depth and richness of its culture is unparalleled in the middle east. And then there's the men.... Iranian wrestlers . But it's not a good place for westerners now, so i don't know if i'll ever get there.

    Egypt's a must - do a nile cruise, it's like 5000 years of history packed into 10 days.
