Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Long week!

It's been a long week and it's only Tuesday! 

Lukas Chapter 17 is coming along. It's 3/4 of the way finished. Someone reminded me that it is in the authoritarian section of nifty and should be a little more... authoritarian. I do think I can start to show more of Ari's dominance. He has his boy on the hook and can start to turn him into being a proper boy. They also need some trouble brewing. 

I have tons of final projects to work on so my mind goes crazy inventing story lines for Lukas as a distraction. It's a calming thing I do when I get overwhelmed with projects. 

The husband is having a good week. He has been busy and is trying to finish up big projects so they can all get signed and settled before the holidays begin. 

We got a tree Sunday! It is so pretty. He insists on a real one. He wants that pine scent and fresh pokey needles. He isn't concerned with me spending all that time cleaning up needles and other things that come with having a live tree in the apartment. 

It is getting cold and rainy! It is going to rain again this week. It doesn't feel like LA when it rains. LA just doesn't know what to do with it. 

Big things are happening with the husband's parents!!! I am so excited. I Can't really say much because I don't want to mess anything up for them. With how immigration is going these days, everything is just weird. But hopefully we will be spending the holidays with them and helping them get a house and furniture and everything! 


  1. Lol@ him not being concerned about you cleaning up after the tree. It’s kinda painful crawling under it to water it too. Maybe he’ll do that for you.

    1. Yes, to him the house gets magically cleaned. The only reason he knows I cook food is that he comes home to smells and his boy distracted in the kitchen. I love it when I am doing something he could help with and he just leans against the counter and talks to me. But on the other hand I know he works like crazy so I am super happy that home is a relaxing carefree place for him... which he pays all the bills for. :)

    2. I feel like you guys could do a reality couples show, or you could pitch a show based on your situation for Netflix. I don’t watch a lot of tv but I don’t think there’s anything in that vein yet. Which seems impossible since there are shows about almost everything.

    3. We're pretty boring aside from being mixed-culture and gay. :) It would be a lot of us cuddling or doing boring things like the crossword puzzle or trivia apps on his phone that helps me fall asleep and him learn english. The sex scenes would be pretty good but he'd never go for that. :)
