Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas thoughts.

Next chapter of Lukas is 40% finished. I think it will be the final one. I decided to give Mr. Khorasani some fun. After 20 chapters, he deserves it. What else do I need to tie up in this series? I feel like they are reaching some finality on things. 

I had an interesting Christmas. We only brought a few of the gifts for each other since we'll have to take them home to LA when we go so I chose presents for him that are appropriate to open in front of his parents. I gave him a sturdy new leather portfolio thing since he is pretty hard on his work stuff. 

For his parents and his brother who came, we got them new iPhones with USA phone numbers. He added them to his cell plan, but his father will probably take it over since he doesn't like the thought of his son paying the bills. It is a constant fight between my husband and his dad when the check comes. My husband wants to prove he can be a provider like his father.

One of the presents he got me was this stuffed pikachu that lights up when you hug it. When I was a kid, I was really in to pokemon. I opened it in front of his parents and brother and my husband said something in Farsi to them and they laughed and looked at me like I was some little child. It was a really baby gift. It was sweet and a childhood memory, but strange that he would give me that as the gift to open in front of his parents. I don't get it... 

My husband's brother said something in their language and my husband translated to me that he said he is glad to no longer be the baby of the family anymore. SO I guess I'm the baby? I am not the baby. I'm older than his little brother but he is taller than me and built more like my husband. I am the smallest and the "light" boy. 

Today they went off with the realtor and I stayed here in our room and his brother stayed in their room. He came over and told me we should go for coffee. He doesn't speak much English so we used the google translate thing that talks. It was so cool! I had to decode what the English meant, but it was pretty good overall. 

He wanted to find girls. He asked me, "Do you know the girls here?" I said no. Then he wanted to go to the little shopping area by the hotel. I told him we should tell my husband, but he said no, they wouldn't approve. So off we went! 

He was so funny. He is an absolutely adorable guy with those eyes like my husband's that just draw you in and strong arms with cute European style. He is like a younger version of my husband, just as outgoing and strong-willed. He seems totally cool with me even though we don't speak a shared language. We got french fries and drinks at a place but he didn't see any girls he liked so we just talked through the translator. 

He said in his country they think American girls are very easy and will go with anyone. I had to explain that no they are not easy, they are just more outgoing, but you have to put in just as much work as over in his country. 

We walked around the shops and we did talk to some girls. They thought he was cute, but then the language barrier kind of turned them off. I told them they need to convince him that American girls aren't easy. They liked the challenge! He ended up exchanging phone numbers with one so they could text using the translator software. I showed him how to copy and paste to translate then type and then copy and paste to respond. 

We bonded, but I forgot my husband has the tracking app on our phones so we can see where each other is so he called me and then had me pass the phone to his brother to yell at him. Then it started raining and we had to run back in the rain. Husband was not happy at all. We are staying in tonight since it's raining. We have a delivery order coming with fajitas and stuff. Fun fun. 

I think we will be here for another week. I am having fun. I missed his dad like I miss my own. 


  1. Emri,
    I read chapter 19 and it was AMAZING!!!! I can not wait to see what you come up with next. I hope you and yours had a great x-mas and are making soooo many memories to reflect on. Texas was good when I seen it back in 1985. So I hope you enjoy some of the Mexican Food there. All I knew of Mexican food was TACO BELL, but when my family went to Texas, I got to experience it first hand and fell in love with it. Tamales and Burritos are my favorite.

    I am looking for the next chapter to be as awesome as the whole story has been. You are an AMAZING Author and I look forward to the stories you come up with. Thank you for sharing with us all.


    1. Thank you! Texas is pretty cool. It reminds me of parts of California but without the mountains and the air is humid, but the people here are the same. It is a mix of asian, hispanic, white, and a lot more african-american than LA. It's pretty diverse here.

  2. Do you ever ask him later what he says about you?
    It was smart to tell his brother that American girls aren’t easy. You don’t want him misreading a flirty attitude and getting in trouble.
    Hope they find a house they love!

    1. I do. He says it is just teasing and his family loves me. He has been kind of weird with me around them, treating me like a small child the last few days. It is getting a little annoying, but I am giving him a break because I know he has a lot going on and he is super excited to have them here for good. So I will put up with it for a few more days before I tell him to stop it. I know this is a lot for him so I try to be the patient boy.

    2. Does he normally treat you like that when they visit?

    3. He is normally a little more caring and attentive than normal, but this time it is like he is trying to prove how dependent I am on him. I got mad at him last night about it. He is being better today.

  3. I have never needed a spanking. Z sits me down and explains what I did wrong, making sure I knew it was wrong/unacceptable. I have not needed suplemental correction (yet). If I did I know he would never strike me hard enough to leave a mark. For the record I expected one after the stunt I pulled in Ukraine. If I had not been injured I have no doubt he would have tanned my hide properly.

    But I did love your treatment of discipline vs pleasure in your story.

    I have a similar relationship with Z's youngest brother. He too is greatful to no longer be the baby.

    1. Yes! I am really liking his younger brother. He is cool and chill. I have gotten "the talks" from A before too. I am surprised you didn't get some after Ukraine. My husband would have freaked.

  4. I’d love it if you had a chapter that focused solely on lukas’ father. You selves into it shortly a few chapters back but I’d love it if it wasn’t just a blurb and the focus. Including the sex - the little we got was hot!
