Sunday, December 23, 2018

Family and new Lukas

I finished chapter 19 of Lukas. It Posted! You read it here

I did the chapter from Ari's perspective again. It just seemed right rather than from Lukas. Ari gets the insights Lukas doesn't know about. 

I'm thinking that Chapter 20 should be a close out. Put a cap on things. I love the series, but I feel like it's time to end it. 20 chapters is a lot. My chapters are about 10k words each so that is 200k words for the series! That is equal to 3 full size romance novels which average 60-80k words per book. 

We picked up my husband's parents at the airport in Houston. They had SO MUCH stuff with them! We parked the car in a garage and went in to help them. They kept grabbing bags off of the luggage thingy. We totally loaded the back of the giant SUV he got. I thought it was nonsense for him to get such a big car, but it was totally needed! 

His youngest brother came with them to go to school here. He is like a younger, taller, skinnier version of my husband but he is very serious. He hugged me when his dad did. He doesn't speak a lot of English. It was funny watching my husband with him. He still thinks of him as a little kid since he hasn't seen him in a few years. The little brother seems annoyed at being treated like that. 

I dont have any siblings so it's fun to watch them together and how similar their mannerisms are. 

They are all napping now since the crazy flight has their time schedules turned all around. My husband is playing a game on his computer with friends from back home in LA. We will probably just be here around the hotel today and go see houses tomorrow. tomorrow is Christmas Eve, but the realtor will show them the houses that are empty. I can't wait to see which ones they like. 

oh!! I also wanted to plug a series I have been reading on nifty called Ash & Ember. It is very well done! 

I am debating doing chapter 20 from Lukas' perspective again. I kind of see it as important with what I want to happen in there with trouble and jealousy between Lukas and the new person you will learn more about in chapter 19. If you read it! Please read it! 


  1. I immediately read the new chapter. Even with the spanking, I wished the Ari was my daddy ;-) Felt a bit sorry for Lukas that his cooking wasn't up to snuff, but nice of Mr. K. to clean his plate.

    If you do finish up Lukas' story, would you consider going on with Kyles story from 'Kaspers Den'? I feel like that could be a hot story...

    Good luck with the in-laws and the home-hunting. I hope they find a nice 'nest'!

    1. That's a really good idea! I will go back and revisit the chapters and see. Thank you :)

  2. Damn! You've written hella novels haha. If you combine all the stories you've written all together.
    I'm glad you're also able to meet more of you husband's family too. It's always fun to see the major influences in their life and how it helped form their personality. Andrés' brother and parents are so like him, but also totally different.

    We're celebrating Christmas today, and already made over 90lbs of tamales!! Oh and my mother in law has complete trust in me now 🤓🤓🤓. She let me cook the salsa and the masa which is the most labor intensive jobs and the easiest to fuck up. But I seemed to pass with flying colors (or they're just being nice to me). She's even looking into making tamales vegetarian for me today. But cooking masa without lard is unorthodox.
    Good luck with your other family, I'm sure you make A proud ☃❄☃🌲

    1. That's a ton of tamal! Wow. I hope you guys are hungry. My husband is intrigued by Mexican food, but he never specifically requests it. We have been told there are super good mexican restaurants here in Texas so we will check them out. His parents and brother were up super early this morning!

      I woke up about 6:30 to find they had come into our room and were just sitting around talking with my husband. They were all talking in low voices, and felt bad for waking me up, but I Was happy to see them. We saw some houses this morning and now they are taking naps but setting alarms so we can have fun tonight and they can start to get used to the sleep schedule here with the time difference. :)

  3. Thanks for the tease on Ash and Ember. It really is a good series, a slow-burner. Z and I binge read it. I liked it.

  4. Hi,

    Thanks for the plug of "Ash and Ember" on Nifty. I appreciate that. :-)

    - Wayne

  5. I agree with you as well, I have been following all of your stories and I cant wait for the next installments. They take you on the journeys of every characters into their everyday lives and journeys.

    Then comes along Ash and Ember and it does exactly the same holds the reader right from the beginning to the end. It very well written and edited along the way. It's full of emotions and suspense, but you're looking and rooting for the two main characters to find their true loves. Plus your loving seeing their love develop on pages in front of you. I cant wait more than a day without want to know the next installment of Ash and Ember and the continuing journey of Grant and Troy.
