Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Houston & Lukas

In one week we will be packing for Texas. I’m so excited to see his parents. We are getting there a day before them so we can get a hotel and pick them up at the airport when they fly in from Iran. They have to take like three flights and travel for about 24 hours. It’s crazy.

My husband says we can shop for cowboy boots. He says there are a lot of Persians in Houston and stores and restaurants that will make them feel at home. He’s befriended a Persian realtor online who lives there and will be their personal concierge.

Lukas chapter 18 is halfway finished. I’m excited about it. I’m doing it from Ari’s perspective. It’s kind of taken on a life of its own. I ditched Lukas early on so we can see the dirtier side of Ari. Also I put in mostly Arabic and Farsi speakers so Ari won’t have much of his accent or cute way of saying things in English.

It’s been fun exploring his head and thinking about what he thinks about. That’s harder to do with my own husband. I know my husband has a hard job and his brain goes a mile a minute with all he has going on. He’s a guy like Ari who is very much always on and appreciates coming home to a quiet and simple boy. He gets this look on his face when I tell him about my day doing housework and online classes and the gym. He says he likes things very simple for his boy.

Chapter 17 didn’t go over too well. I got one comment. It was nice but it was about an earlier chapter so… lol.

I know it’s getting to that point in the series where I need to wrap things up and close it out. People need new stuff. Maybe for chapter 20 I’ll jump ahead to Lukas 18th birthday when he finally becomes entirely property of Ari.


  1. I loved the last chapter. I think sometimes you might get less comments as the story progresses because it feels a bit pushy to compliment you on every chapter; is leaving you in peace doesn’t mean we’re not enjoying.

    1. Thank you. I need to remember that. :) You're awesome.

  2. Hey, yeah, I liked it too. Sorry for the lack of feedback. I don’t comment or email much typically. One thing that amused me about this one and the last chapter, I think you’re teasing the readers who want to see some Mr. Khorasani action. I thought it was a chill but interesting chapter.
