Thursday, October 31, 2019


We are exhausted! So many trick-or-treaters came to our house. We opened the front gate and put a lighted sign that said "Candy" with an arrow pointing at our house. 

We didn't think many people would come. We live up in the hills and it is big houses with lots of older people. But the people from the packed in neighborhoods below us come up to the hills for the good candy so we had a ton of people! Thankfully my husband insisted on buying lots of candy just in case. We figured we'd just load kids up if not many came. 

It was a HOT dad parade!! OMG. Down below us there are a lot of Arab and Persian and Asian families and some of those dads! Wow! And when did dads start wearing hot costumes? We had dads in tight body suits and dads in muscle shirts and capes. I would say at least 1 of every 5th trick-or-treater brought some dad candy. :) 

My husband made lots of new friends. I handed out lots of candy to the kids and kept saying, "Take an extra one for your daddy!" hahaha. Of course I said NONE of this to my husband. 

We both dressed up. I was an Angels player and he did Batman. He looks pretty hot too. :)  We gave out five big bags of candy. That's almost 1000 pieces! We still have a bowl left so husband will take it to work tomorrow. I had one small bag of M&Ms. He had... quite a few. 


  1. Sounds fun. I see cars dropping kids off in some neighborhoods, I assume because they think the candy will be better. And the neighborhoods with the older people have more houses with people at home I assume.
    Did your husband like the dad parade too?
    That’s cool that you dressed up.

    So I assume the fires aren’t in your area?

    1. My husband didn't say anything about the hot dads. :) I did notice him a little too happy with the hot moms. That's more his thing.
      Yes! Apparently this neighborhood is known for good candy with all the older people going all out. It was awesome!

  2. Happy Halloween! For us, is was POURING during Halloween Eve so we got to keep most of the candy. On my way back from uni, my brother was the only one to give out candy and while I was on my way back to take over, he called and was like "SAVE ME FROM THESE LITTLE BASTARDS!". He made it seem like they were taking too much candy and he was upset about it.

    So I had an idea. When I came back, I decided to pull a little prank. Instead of coming home and opening the door, I knocked and waited for my brother to open it and said "Trick or treat!". He was furious!

    But I made it up to him by taking over candy duty until then. Under the circumstances, pretty eventful Halloween!

    1. Rain would be awesome! California is majorly on fire! I'm glad our Halloween didn't have weather though. It was nice and cool. :) Sounds like you had a fun one! :)

  3. Love hearing you had a good time! Your costumes are you two, the hero and the angel.

  4. We live 2 miles up a gravel road to the top of the mountain and then you turn onto our .5 mile drive. We get no trick-or-treaters!
