Sunday, October 20, 2019

Newport Drama.

Another fun weekend. We carved pumpkins for Halloween. They turned out pretty cool! My husband loves any kind of Americana tradition stuff. I looked up some youtube videos with tips and got some advice so I wouldn't totally mess it up. So now we have the Halloween lights hung up outside and the pumpkins on the front porch that no one can see because of the front wall... such is LA. It's nice to have a real house to decorate. Even my dad helped us hang stuff. 

Yesterday we went to Disneyland. It was so crowded and the only thing we could get a fast pass for was Star Tours which is a cheesy older 3-D ride. It was fun though. We mostly just walked around a lot and did the easy entry rides like Little Mermaid and Goofy's Adventure. We watched the mariachi show too. I got a vampire mickey mouse doll. He's so cute. He's hanging out on our dining room table in the bowl of fall decorations. 

Today we went to a park near the beach for a BBQ with the LGBT family group. 

We had fun, but usually my husband gets kind of sad that we aren't there with a child. 

Today though there was one male couple arguing with each other and it was uncomfortable. Then there was a lesbian couple talking about the private preschool and how much it costs plus they are constantly being hassled for donations and their son doesn't even like it there. haha. Then another couple was talking about their kid hitting other kids and they want him to stop but don't like punishing him. Lots of issues! 

We got back into the car and my husband drove us out of the park and then we stopped at a red light and he took my hand. 

He said, "You know... It's not too bad just the two of us. Right?" 

I said, "Yeah... I guess. We have a good life." 

He said, "I do want child, many of them. But until then I am good with just my one boy." Then he kissed my cheek and squeezed my hand. It was nice. 


  1. I am big on trying to enjoy the positives of your current situation because I’ve wasted time thinking wistfully about when I get to xyz, only to get there and think wistfully about abc days. If that makes sense. I think we’re conditioned to work towards the next thing. Every stage has positives we will miss at some point. So that’s really sweet of him to realize.
    It also sounds like the family group might use the events as their therapy sessions:) So don’t get too depressed, lol.

    1. That is so true. We have been so focused on getting to the next step with having babies. I know he wants this big family like he had growing up. In his culture that means success, building a legacy. But we do really enjoy our just the two of us lifestyle.

  2. Cute Mickey, Ever since we found out who I was named after Zahir started buying all things "Pooh Bear." The boy cave(s) are becoming the favorite spots for the nieces and nephews.

    I agree with "Anonymous," it does sound like the other couples are using the meeting as therapy.

    Had a GREAT day at work today. The family is going out to celebrate in town!

    Chase (Christopher)

    1. Oh that's cute! :) I like it. And yeah I think some of the couples come there to complain to each other. I'm glad you are getting back out there.

    2. Wait, you have a boy cave? That is so awesome! I never thought about that.

    3. Technically I have TWO. One in our house and one with Zahir's parents.

    4. We need them. My guy is similar to yours. He has no understanding of personal space when it comes to me. I have one of the guest bedrooms in our house set up for me. I use it to nap or yoga. It feels like my space instead of our bedroom which is OUR space so I have my own vibe in there. He respects it mostly, but if he comes home and finds me napping in there he won't hesitate to join me.
