Saturday, October 26, 2019

Thirsty Bears are after my husband!

First of all, Lukas is blowing up on Wattpad! I am so happy it is taking off. Please go read and vote for each chapter if you have the time and are bored. Please!!

It is topping out in a few categories. Nothing super big, but still so exciting. 

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Today we went to the gym. We like this one in Orange where the cardio is facing the weights area all on one level. Most of the gyms have the cardio on one floor and the weights on another. 

This setup means he can do his weights and pop his head up to see me. It also means he isn't texting me every five minutes while I'm trying to run. 

Anyways!! So it was half empty when we went today and I was watching him do his routine while I was running. 

I notice these two bear gays come in. They start hovering around the weights then they spot my husband doing the pull-up bar. He looks AMAZING on the pull-up bar and his tank top slides up and his tummy is just the best. It's not a six pack right now, but it is very cute, especially with the waistband of his underwear showing as his shorts slide down.... yum. 

These guys start doing their weights, but they are staring him down like thirsty thirsty guys! Then he moved over to chest press and they follow and get a nearby machine. They were talking to each other, but watching him, probably discussing the dirty things they would want to do with my husband. 

It was funny to watch because my guy had no idea they were scoping him hard! I was watching with enjoyment until one of them took out his phone and discretely took some shots of him (I assumed that's what they were doing). 

I texted my husband to let him know. He looked up at me with a raised eyebrow and I pointed his attention towards them. He just laughed and then he went over and made friends with them. He helped them do some weights and they were drooling over him big time. 

We laughed about it on the way home. He never sees when guys just drool over him. 

I pointed out that if two guys were doing that to me he would have flown into a rage and stomped over to me to tear into them. 

"Of course I will protect you! But you have no need to be jealous for me." He was flattered that I got jealous. 

In his thinking there is no danger of him being flirted with, but it is not ok for me. In his thinking I am a helpless, defenseless little innocent who will be taken by a stronger man. He says he is capable of defending himself if someone tries to force themselves on him, but I am not. I must be protected and not bothered by evil men with dirty things in their heads. 


  1. When I lived with my wealthy grandparents, everything was perfect and safe. When I lived with my free-spirited mother, everything was a mess and uncertain. With my grandparents, loved them but thought I would dye of boredom. With my mother,loved her but was full of anxiety and a little scared. With I had the answer for you kid.

    1. Lots of change! I have only ever lived with my dad or my husband. That's enough change for me. :)

  2. And the hottest ones are always the ones who don’t notice it.

    1. Exactly! He says he is a beast and I am the one who needs to be worried about. lol I guess it's good he thinks that way.

  3. Just curious, what have you done when someone flirted with you and he wasn’t there? Did you feel unsure or was it nbd?

    1. I haven't really been out on my own without him with me in well over a year. I've never had anyone flirt with me that made me think twice about my husband. haha. He's pretty much my deity. :)

    2. Oh yeah, I didn’t think you’d be into anyone else. I guess I wondered if you felt like what you described, helpless or scared.
      I think the normal flirt is more tame than aggressive. Like not innocent maybe but also not come save me I’m in danger.
      Either way, doesn’t matter, you guys do your thing and it works.
      I wonder what he would do if you stomped over and yelled at them to get away:)
      He also doesn’t seem to like the bear type the way you describe yourself so there’s that too, lol

    3. It's funny, when a girl catches his eye she is usually larger and curvy. He doesn't let his eyes linger on thin girls. But with guys he usually looks at smaller ones like me. Weird how that works!
      haha. If I ran over and yelled at them he would probably be embarrassed and quickly remove me from the situation then probably buy me ice cream or something to calm me down. hehe.

    4. That is odd! He has his types like we all do I guess. But that’s funny.

  4. Congratulations on the high ratings. It's a very good story. I'm a fan.

    The new gym seems like a good fit for you guys. With the open concept and good sight lines, your husband doesn't have to text you during your run. You know how men take pride in their ability to take care of and protect their mates. Good caretakers checks in on a regular basis to make sure you are alright.

    As for flirting, I wouldn't lead with the argument why isn't it okay for guys to flirt with me. Most spouses would not be thrilled to hear that. I would go with I just want to be normal, just courteous greetings, small talk. If this is new for both of you, go with baby steps. It's funny how he knew how to handle those two Bears; he really is a pro at handling people.

    1. That's a good approach.
      My husband can be a super traditional guy and in his thinking it is his role to address the world and be the "outer shell" for us. It upsets him when a stranger will strike up a conversation with me, unless it is someone older and innocent. He's gotten better about this over our years together. I've gotten used to his thinking too though.

  5. What do you think he would do if he looked over and your stomach was showing and you underwear? Would that drive him crazy? (And I don’t mean that to be rude, just picturing his eyes bugging out if you were doing pull-ups like him:)

    1. He would never let me go to the gym like that.My gym uniform is long-sleeve running shirt and either track pants or longer shorts. His excuse is "You get cold there." Whenever he says "You will be cold, my love." That is code for "Cover up!" haha.
