Thursday, January 3, 2019

Thursday Thoughts

Things are calming down here. His dad went to his first day of work today. My husband is off shopping with his mom for things so I am getting some writing done on the last Lukas chapter. 

I did not make it to midnight for NYE. I am a morning person. We have this tradition where we make new year's vows to each other. We go one at a time and share. We did the usual ones about putting each other first. He promised to check in more with me instead of assuming I agree with him. I promised to speak up more and tell him how I feel. 

He had a funny one, "I promise to keep better care of my ear hair so you do not yank them from me!" 

I said "That sounds more like you're asking me to stop yanking weird hairs when I find them and I just can't commit to that!" 

He said "You love to bring me pain, no?" I do I do. 


There is so much food in this house. His mom keeps making things and trying out American recipes. Husband has reminded her several times that I don't eat like a "regular boy." She keeps trying to feed me and seems surprised I don't have an appetite to match her sons (husband and his brother). 

It's interesting because his father treats me like a daughter but his mom treats me like a son. I mean that in the ways that their culture seems to view genders where the boys are viewed differently from the girls. 

His dad said he likes how I am growing my hair out on top (I keep it trimmed close on the side when we go for haircuts, but my husband likes something to play with). I have just enough to pull it back in a short ponytail. Husband doesn't want it cut up there. 

I would love to do something intricate with it on top, but husband likes to play with it too much. He always messes it up when we're sitting and I'm under his arm. He says we can braid it into a leash for him to pull, but he is already too rough on it when we're having together time. 

We are heading home next week. He has been doing his work remotely but needs to be back in LA to make things work. I know we will be visiting Texas pretty often. I love it here but I miss LA sunshine. This cold rainy weather was fun at first but it is really depressing when you are used to daily sunshine. 


  1. If you think it is cold, rainy and dreary in Texas, you should come up here to Indiana. I think it's been 2 weeks now since I have seen the sun. I really hate winter here.

    I'm sure you will be happy to go home to the sunshine and you haven't seen your dad since before Christmas. I'll bet he misses you, although he has had the house to himself and maybe it has been one long party. Ha!

    1. Oh I am sure I will be coming home to a mess! Our apartments have a cleaning concierge service you can book so husband has already sent them once and will do it again before we fly home. My dad has very quickly gotten used to just setting his dishes in the sink and putting his clothes in the hamper, but that is about all he does to clean. It's more than my husband does! :) I even make his bed most days...
