Saturday, January 26, 2019

Saturday at home.

What a crazy week! Last night we had friends over and then we were supposed to go to a party, but before 9 my husband was yawning. They went out to a party and we went to bed and wound down early. He worked hard this week. 

This morning we woke up early and went to work out then got breakfast at Starbucks. Time for a lazy Saturday. He is watching a sci-fi show and working on reports. I'm pretending to be into his show and looking up fun things to do with his mom and brother, because.... 

We found out yesterday that his mom and brother are coming to visit. Apparently their new house finishing is taking longer than expected. His mom wants to come see us and his brother has never been to California. Husband will be working during the week which means I will be here to entertain them and work on my school stuff. The semester just started so it isn't much. 

The coolest thing was that my husband actually set down the phone when his mother called and he asked me, "Are you ok with her coming? Will she disturb your schoolwork?" 

It was so sweet. It was a big step for him. In the past, he would have just made the plan and told me later. He would have assumed that I wanted whatever he planned. It was really cool of him to ask me. 

I told him yes it would be great to see her. He was so happy to tell her that. He wants happiness between his "two important loves." I told him later how nice it was that he included me in the decision. I am trying to heavily reward when he does things like that since some of you suggested I try that more. He got a very nice reward when he was too sleepy last night but wanted to have together time. He's a happy guy... 


  1. It is nice to be included on decisions like that and maybe he is starting to see you as a partner instead of the little boy. That's awesome.

    Lazy Saturdays are the best! Today (Sunday) will be our lazy day. We ran errands and did some shopping yesterday, so now it's time to sit and relax.

    Oh, and playtime rewards are the best!! :)

    1. He still sees me as a little boy, but a boy who he needs to include in the plans! :) Small growth, but headed in the good direction.
