Saturday, November 24, 2018


Six hours is a long time to be on an airplane! I did sleep for most of it. My dad picked us up at the airport and took us for dinner. 

When we were waiting at the gate in New York, these four guys were standing at the device charging table checking us out. They were dressed up nicely, two just a little older than my husband and two a lot older. We weren't doing anything weird, just sitting and sharing a sandwich and playing on our phones, but they kept looking. 

Then when we got on the plane, of course our seats were right with theirs! They had the left side and then the aisle seat on our side. We always get the window and middle seats. He sits in the middle and I cocoon at the window with the arm rest up so he can have 1/3 of my seat and stretch out. 

So we're walking down to our seats and I notice all four sets of eyes on us. He sends me into the row so he can put our bags overhead. I notice the eyes stay on him not on me. THEN I notice why! 

He was wearing his adidas track pants that are a little tight in the crotch and he usually wears a longer t-shirt that covers it a bit.... but today just a white shirt that stops at the waist... as he's putting our rolling bags in the overhead his shirt rides up to show his tummy and his bulge is seriously on display. The tight shirt showing off his chest and the gold chain didn't hurt either... The guys were completely hypnotized! 

They must have noticed "Mister Bulge," as I call it, before when he was sitting since he sits with his legs spread wide (man-spreading!). 

I've gotten used to his... gift. He's usually more covered there. 

He put the bags away and then smiled at the men in his polite way that is completely oblivious to being ogled. He made friends with them while I snuggled in under his arm and drifted off. 

Nice to know I have someone people like to look at. 😍

Lukas is 3/4 of the way finished. I got some writing time and I'm hoping to finish it this weekend! 


  1. I thought you were going to say he had a rip in his pants. They probably would have stroked out if that had happened.

    1. That would have been worse! :) I forget sometimes what a hot guy he is, especially when he is in happy vacation mode unstressed and dressed all bro'd out and carrying all the heavy luggage for us. When you live with someone every day you see their heart a lot more than their face and body.

    2. That’s really sweet.

  2. Ha ha! That's funny. My guy always notices when I am getting checked out, but he never sees it aimed at him either. I wonder why that is? Let one guy talk to me and he puffs up and starts growling, but if someone talks to him like that, they are just being nice. Seriously?

    Glad you made it home ok. Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Yes! Unless a guy (or girl! girls love him) is throwing himself all over my guy, he just acts like it's normal. When I bring it up he says it is different for me because he can defend himself but I can't. He says I attract guys his size who could easily do what they want with me so he has to be on guard. It kinda makes sense, but... lol :)

  3. Glad you made it home safe. I hope the air has cleared up a bit.

    I have often heard the "I must protect you..." speech. yet he fails to see his own hotness.

    Guys, here are so overtly (occasionally overly) friendly. It is impossible to see where the line is. I understand why even when walking around the neighborhood with Kaeleb (my dog) I am NEVER alone. I always have a human "protector" following at a discrete distance.

    1. Yes! It's almost like a pet sometimes. It's hard for him to let me out on my own. It used to make him anxious when he dropped me off on campus and left me for the day to go to my classes and stuff. He's a lot less worried now that I do online classes. Sometimes I wish he would be ok with me walking to the drugstore or some nearby place, but honestly I love how protective he is.

  4. I hate to tell you, but if your in a good steady relationship, then it will follow you everywhere you go. Guys or gals are very protective of their mates.

    Glad you are home Emri. Hope you had a good time with your man and got to experience all that NY had to offer. Glad you were safe and sound.

    As per your Lukas story, we all are waiting patiently for you to submit it when you are done. Personally I can't wait to see where you take the story from where it is. Hope there is a lot more to come from you.
    Just a side note for you, You are becoming one of the best writers that I have followed from one website to another. Your stories are so descriptive that you can "see it" in your mind as you read it. That is a huge plus for me. So THANK YOU very much for that part of your stories.

    1. Thank you! I am almost finished with the next chapter. If he keeps working tonight then I will have some time to finish it before bed. :) Ok back to it. Thank you for your thoughts!

  5. Glad y'all made it home in one piece! Andrés and I just got to El Monte this morning after spending the last few days with my side of the family out in Palm Springs for thanksgiving. It's nice to be back in LA tho. The food down here is so much better. We had lunch at an el Salvadoran restaurant and Andrés remembered to order my favorite drink. It's called refresco de ensalada, which is like chopped fruit in a massive glass full of juice. They're fucking awesome and super refreshing, but they don't have them up north. I need to start applying to nursing schools down here as an excuse to move lol

    1. Yay. You need to be in LA! We will probably be moved down to Orange County by then. I'm kind of ready for it. It will be nice to be in a big house and have more space. I used to go to a little salvadorean place in the valley some times that my dad liked. It was pretty good :)

    2. Ahh damn, we could've been neighbors lol. OC will be dope though, it's like you're growing up :) we're leaving for SF tomorrow sadly. I'm gonna miss being on vacation. Hit me up if y'all come back up to SF tho. I got a new job at the brewery working in the laboratory doing loads of microbiology so I can now actually explain the whole brewing/fermentation process.
