Saturday, November 10, 2018

Fires and Trips and Love

The western San Fernando Valley is on fire. We are on the other side and away from the haze, but the husband is keeping us indoors today where we have the air purifier going. Tomorrow we are heading down to Orange County for some fun and then a BBQ for Veteran's day with some clients of his. Should be fun! 

Evacuations from Malibu!!

Next weekend we are heading to NYC for vacation. I hope we get some snow. I've never seen it snow here. I have only seen it in Utah. We sent out winter coats to get cleaned since they have been in storage for a year or so. It never gets cold enough here for them. 

I have page 1 of the new Lukas chapter written. It could be good. I'm still working things out. Hopefully the trip will inspire me! 

Ollie and Mohammed moved into their new place. My husband says we will visit them when we get back from our trip. Ollie said they went to pick out new furniture. He said M is letting him pick out a couch and bedroom stuff, but not too much  because they are saving to buy something. 

I'm sure it will look really nice. My husband said I can pick out a housewarming gift for them we can take when we go visit. I want to get them some kitchen things. Ollie needs to learn how to take care of his alpha. He's always been quiet like me and he really wants to make M happy but doesn't know things. He texts me questions and I remind him that M is ok with teaching him and it's ok to make mistakes. 

I wish I had someone like me when I was in his position and everything was so new. My guy was super patient and sweet with me, but clearly wanted me to know things I didn't know. 

I am working on learning how to give him a good massage. I know I suck at it. I try with him, but he is a muscleboy and it's like trying to soften rocks. You really can learn anything on youtube! I'm getting better and learning points that make him go "Oh! Let's do that more!" He is now interested in helping me practice so that's a good sign! 

Our old townhouse is about 4 miles from the fires. The renters talked to my husband last night and it is hazy and smokey but they are ok. Our place isn't near a wooded area so we're not too worried about it. I hope they get control of the fires soon. 

They say it might burn straight down to the Ocean. It's rugged terrain between Thousand Oaks and Malibu so there is a lot to burn and a lot of wildlife without much place to go. 


  1. Sometimes making mistakes is hilarious for both parties. Olie will get the hang of it.

    Muffin was laughing at the fact that I'm using the crew rest area of the aircraft. Zahir corrected him telling him I was using proper respect. When he got me alone he laughed at me too.

    Even when I do stupid things Zahir never makes fun of me in front of another.

    1. Yes! I was raised somewhat lower middle class and my husband was definitely not. The first time we went grocery shopping and he asked why I kept buying "the poor brands." Or when we went to nice restaurants and I was surprised they didn't have prices on the menu.

  2. With all the LA News lately you've been in my thoughts.

    1. The smoke is crazy. I am itchy just from going to the drugstore to get allergy meds. :( We had to come home and take a shower.

  3. Our prayers go with you and A. I am so glad you and A. are safe from the fires. I was worried you were in close to the areas where the fires were. I am glad you are still writing and getting ideas for your stories.

    I am glad your friends are doing good as well. There is a lot to moving in with each other.

    Hope your time on the East Coast is enjoyable. If you are going to New York, be advised you definitely will need your coats. Have a fun time and stay warm.


    1. Thank you. It is crazy here. SO smoky and hazy :(

  4. Those fires are horrible. We know somebody whose house in Agura burned. I want my mother-in-law to come to Arizona, but she has a couple of friends staying with her. They were evacuated, and she doesn't want to abandon them. She says the smoke is getting worse. Stay safe.

    1. My dad's family is out in Simi above the fires. They are safe for now but it is crazy :(

  5. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack just watching that video of the couple driving through it.

  6. Glad your home is safe. Idk how people are supposed to walk around breathing that for days or weeks though. Like I get everything can’t close but still.
    I’m curious what you didn’t know that he wanted you to know? You sound like you were way more independent and self sufficient than the typical college kid.

    1. It is pretty bad out. We are heading away from the smoke for the day.
      I was young when we met and only 18 when he moved me into a place he got for us. I didn't know about making his foods or even foods he liked since my dad and I ate pretty simple things. I had to learn how to take care of a guy with a more upper-income life. How to handle his suits and work clothes, cleaning up after someone who is used to having a housekeeper, how to act around his friends and not disappear by his side when everything isn't in English or addressed to me. I explored these a little in the Noah series but there was much much more. It's hard when our cultures are so different but we make it work.

  7. That’s interesting. I didn’t think of all of that. It’s tough entering any new relationship, but trying to acclimate to a new culture while still living in your own. Sort of like a double learning curve for both of you. You both must be patient people.
    But I loved Noah if it was like that!

    I’m guessing our culture of boxed and canned foods seem disgusting to him, lol. Not that we can’t cook here but even a lot of our better homemade meals are things we steal from other countries. It’s cool to see things through different eyes.
    I think I would fail big time in your situation, unless the guy was willing to eat some gross food for awhile and wear some wrinkled laundry failures to work.

    1. Yes! and so much more. I didn't know how much body hair I would be cleaning up from my muscle-bound furball. :)
      The food too. He likes what I make, but I feel like I have to do those super recipes you see online. He grew up with a mother who makes dinner an event.
      But he is the patient one. He never blames me for anything. He blames himself for "not teaching my boy or giving him the guidance he needs." So that is pretty cool. I try not to intentionally do bad things, but if I mess up, he owns it. He's a patient daddy.
