Saturday, September 28, 2019

Good week!!

I think we are going home tomorrow! This has been a long trip to Texas, but a good one. My husband's parents have been easing up on him with the critical stuff. They've always been super sweet to me, but kind of hard on him. Most of it is in Farsi, but I can tell when his energy dives after they've said something. 

His mom surprised us with clothes. We have the bedroom we always stay in, and this time we found clothes for us in the drawers and closet. Here's the weird thing, she got the same styles and brands that we normally bring! I know she has done our laundry a few times, but I didn't realize she studied it!! Even the underwear and socks brands! Nice but a little weird. 

I guess it is more nice than weird though, right? I do all the clothes shopping for the two of us since my husband doesn't really care what he puts on. He has good style, but he just has zero interest since he knows I will pick things that make him look good and be comfortable. It's like he just gave that up to me when we moved in together. It's nice that she wants us to be comfortable here. 

we have had a good week here though. I am doing my online classes while he is directing his assistants for work back home and also bringing in new work here. He has had several meetings and says there is a lot of good work here and things in Texas are very profitable. So that is good. He likes that I am not home bored without him all day because his mom is here and his brother is around and both of them have taken me places. I like having a big family around. 

The only thing I don't like here is my hair. It is humid here and it just changes everything!! I never put product in my hair, but it seems like it would be a good idea here. Husband does not like product. He likes to mess with my hair without messing up his fingers. :) Oh well!! It's a good week! 


  1. Moms never stop being moms.

    I understand the good hair vs humidity issue. I grew up in Miami where regardless of how good you looked in the house as soon as you opened the door it was friz-city without product. I love it here in Amman, although my skin does get wicked dry.

    So glad you had a good week.

    1. Yes and she is extra mom because she feels bad that mine abandoned us. They really treat me like their grandson sometimes. It's funny. I don't hate it! :) Not at all.

    2. Nice your mother-in-law is an extra mom. She is like a natural mom and your mother by law, all the angles. You were worried about no social life; you have your FIL & your daddy and your birth dad, who you are worried about holidays and being alone. What if your nachrual dad could look after you like with a trainer for physical fitness, your doctor appointments, shopping, haircuts, etc. Then your dad would not care about the holidays, since he gets to look after you all the time, like at yoga or something. Random thoughts.

  2. I bet she had fun doing that for you guys. Maybe she’s hoping you’ll stay even longer than planned if you have extra clothes.

    1. Yes. His dad said they want this to be a second home for us. My husband's other brothers are still in Iran and it will probably take a few more years before they can come here and have everyone together again.

  3. I find it interesting how emris relationship with his husband is very similar to a straight persian/middle eastern/white relationship

    1. I am definitely his little wife. He is getting better at treating me more equally, but yes I will probably always be his naive little person who needs protecting. I'm ok with that.

  4. That's sweet of her! (a little creepy, but mostly sweet :-))

    Do you think A. would ever want to move to Houston? Like, he is already getting work there.

    1. I imagine down the road he will want to. His other brothers are still in Iran and it could take a few years to get them here. If that happens then they will probably all consolidate in Texas.

  5. It's weird. It's also nice. Weirdly nice???
