Saturday, September 21, 2019

Hayden & Houston

We are in Houston! It is raining off and on here but no flooding in this area. We came in last night and went for a bbq dinner with my husband's family. It's crazy! They bring these paper-lined metal trays with meat and we just help ourselves. It was good and the sauce was this tangy pepper stuff. I had turkey and some grilled vegetables. 

My time is off. Last night when we got to his parents' place I was sitting on the couch between husband and father-in-law with everyone talking in Farsi. I yawned and FIL put his arm around me and hugged me then I fell asleep against him. Turkey+warm couch+happy family+language-I-don't-speak = me passed out. 

When I woke up, my husband was carrying me to our room and then I was wide awake until 1am! (11pm California time). 

Luckily we got to sleep in. My guy was up late playing video games with his brother. 

Today we are supposed to go see a museum! It is supposed to keep raining, but just lightly. His parents neighborhood is fine, no flooding. But just down the road... 

On the Hayden front, I am close to finishing the next chapter. It will be the first chapter I have finished in over a month. Life has just been so busy lately. 

The Lukas redo on Wattpad seems to be taking off! That's really cool, but now I am getting into the dirtier chapters so it needs a lot more editing and cleaning up before I can put it up there without having to label it as mature. I want to avoid that and make it more mainstream. 

I am getting inspiration for a Houston-set story. This city has such a different vibe from SoCal. I like it. This area has tiny roads with huge homes on big, heavily wooded lots. It's a much shadier city than LA. Not so much blinding sunshine. The humidity though... 


  1. Lol. That picture. It's exactly the reason why I commute to university by public transportation and not by car. It's a nightmare.

    While I've been commuting I've actually been reading Hayden's Shelter and finished all 17 in less than a week. The way you keep capturing all the cultures you encounter and the way you express them is just marvelous. Keep up the great work and enjoy your visit to Houston!

    1. Cool! Do you live in Houston? It's a neat city! We did museum of fine arts today. It was so pretty.

    2. Nope. I live up north in Toronto, Canada. But I'd love to visit Texas one day! Though I can't at the moment. Studying to become an Engineer at University of Toronto is tough, especially as a first-year.

      NOTE: I'll be sure to visit the museum of fine arts when I go to Texas!

    3. Woah! Awesome. Toronto looks so cool. I haven't been. We did go to Victoria on our cruise to Alaska, but not Toronto. I think that's the other side of the country. That little part of Canada was nice. The boat was so late getting there that we only got to see a souvenir shop and a Tim Horton. Oh and a Canadian 7-11! It was just like our 7-11s in California.

    4. About 90% of Canada's population lives near the US-Canada border, so Canada can actually be considered a reflection of America in a way.

      But that makes Canada even more interesting, from my perspective. Even after living there for over 10 years, there's still so much to see! If you'd like to visit Canada (kind of again if you include Alaska), you're more than welcome to! Same goes for anyone else reading this comment! Canada is a great place to visit.

  2. Can't say I blame you... Daddy sammich makes me sleepy too. Such a feeling of safety.

    Enjoy your time in the Republic of Texas. I always wanted to see that state ok any state west of the Mississippi.

    1. Yes! Being between two Persian heaters (they both just pump out heat all the time) had me feeling too cozy. haha. See California first!! But Texas is cool too... I guess. haha

  3. It is interesting to read the edited Lukas chapters, since I know how heated the originals get. And these start to get going and then the characters sit up smiling and out of breath and it’s over, lol.
    Do you have some kind of guidelines for what crosses into mature? Do they read it and decide if they agree before publishing? You left a few things in that surprised me so I assume you get some leeway.

    1. I don't think they read it. I assume that it is only an issue if someone complains. So if someone gets that far into my story then complains about it then that is kind of weird. I don't plan to go too far, but I think as the story gets longer then it is ok to get more detailed. Right? That's my thinking. I can't see someone reading 19 chapters and then thinking "Woah! This is mature!"

    2. Makes sense. I read one that does a bold print warning when her chapters are about to get adult. It’s kind of funny.
