Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Broken Phone :(

My husband is on this new kick where he takes my phone away at 9pm then we go get ready for bed and spend at least 20 minutes just talking about whatever I want. It's some parenting tip he read about teens with eating issues. haha. I know! Don't judge! He is trying. 

He got some couple's topics and questions/prompts too. Last night's was "I know you love me when." 

Mine was how I know he loves me because he never can walk pass me without some kind of touch. 

Like some times he comes home and he's on the phone with a client, but he finds me right away and then puts his hand on my head and pushes his fingers through my hair. Or when he is working at the table and I walk by him he will reach out and grab my shirt or arm or whatever is close. Or he just walks by and kisses my neck or cheek or any part that is convenient. 

He said he never thought about that. He sounded surprised. "I do this?" "Yes, sir. You do!" "I do not know this! I just get this urge when I see you." 

From him, he said he knows I love him when I am so careful with taking care of him. He knows he will never not have a meal and never not have a suit ready for the day. He never has to think about packing for a trip or making sure he has enough clothes for whatever the trip will bring. He said he is blessed because he has a partner who will always plan for his needs and take care of the home so he can focus on providing for us. 

Anyways!! The whole time we were talking he was holding my phone and spinning it. You know how dude guys do that? Like they toss something or spin it around. He can NOT sit still. 

Well somehow he spun it too hard and it went up and he couldn't catch it. It went up in the air and then sailed down and bonked against the bedside table and then crashed to the hardwood floor. Screen was smashed and showing nothing. 

He felt so bad! 

We'd just had this loving moment sharing and then he smashes my phone. haha. I actually laughed. I love my phone. Now I will love a new phone I guess. I learned not to get attached to the gadgets he buys me because he replaces them whenever something better comes out. He has to have the latest tech. 

I asked him if I could get the new Samsung, but he is dead set on apple. he knows how to work it and has all the apps that link us together so he can find me and see what I'm up to. I guess that doesn't carry across platforms so well... But it's ok. So new phone it is... 


  1. That sounds sweet. Kind of backwards here, Z picks out MY clothes. Sometimes with humorous outcomes, like this trip. I will NEVER trust him when he says my bag is packed again...

    1. My husband has general guidelines for me to not show skin. That's about it. :) And yes, if I let him pack my bags for a trip, it would not go well! :) haha

    2. We had the Samsung vs Apple discussion here too. Considering some of my software is not available for the Android operating system that kind of limits the platform I can use.

    3. I use the ability settings too so it reads my writing to me. :) It is helpful when I am in a big chapter and can listen to it. :)

  2. He’s talking about how well you take care of him and his things as he destroys your phone, haha. But I’m sorry, that sucks. I’ve never seen someone use a phone as a fidget spinner.

    1. Yes!! He likes to toss things. Like if he is holding a pen, he flips it up and catches it over and over again. I got him a fidget toy for his desk at home, a little cube. He loves it. He got more of them for his car and office. It's helping him not vape as much.

    2. Less vaping, that’s impressive! I see the stores everywhere but I don’t see many people actually doing it for some reason. I assume it is hard to stop like smoking so if toys help that’s great.

    3. He used to smoke cigarettes, so this is better. Once we have kids he will have to stop completely. He definitely smells a lot better with the vaping than with the cigarettes. I didn't grow up around smoke, so it was weird.

  3. I think it's great you help your husband with packing and dressing. He is a great provider and protector, so he can use all the help he can get doing all the great work he is doing. I hate a stay at home spouce that's lazy and doesn't want to help and contribute. Daniel

  4. Did he get you a new phone yet? :-)

  5. I just daydreamed about how it would feel to always have my suit and my meals ready without thinking about it. That would be amazing. Add hours to my week. Just walking into food and clean clothes. That sounds seriously relaxing.

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