Friday, September 13, 2019

Lukas and the week

Lukas is taking off on wattpad! It started last week after a long lull in posting new chapters. It just kind of got discovered and I started getting new readers and messages about it! Crazy! Then I added the two latest chapters and they took off quickly. That's exciting!! 

The crazy thing is that now females outnumber males 2 to 1 as Lukas readers. For some reason, it is taking off in Germany, Indonesia, and Egypt! New countries are Ghana, Guyana, Finland, and Saudi Arabia is still holding strong as well.

How crazy is that? My stories are getting read all over the world. That is incredibly humbling! So far all the comments are positive. I know that in the coming chapters I will get some flameback from people. That's the downside to getting a bigger audience, right? 

Personal life is good. Husband is coming home soon and taking me out for dinner with some of the gay gamer crowd I have been hanging out with. It'll be fun! I had a good week, so busy but good. Husband is making a much better effort to take me out and do things. Only one day was I totally housebound. 

I need to work on Hayden! I finally know where I want the story to go next, but life is so busy... 


  1. I’m a female reader. That’s awesome! You deserve all the compliments you get and how cool is it that your writing appeals to so many different types of people? So how do you know where they are from and genders? I tried reading the straight stuff and for whatever reason it’s over the top cheesy. Probably just click on the wrong authors, but whatever because I found you and love your stories!

    1. The wattpad site tells me the gender and age bracket and country of a reader assuming they entered that information. Some people don't enter it so I usually get 30% unknown age or gender or country. It only shares that info if the reader has put that info in their profile. :) Thank you!! I am glad you like it.

  2. See I told you that females would like your writings too!! hope all is well and keep on having fun
