Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Netflix Eating Issues

I am back at home, but a little less bored these days since my classes started. I have written a little on the next chapter of Hayden's Shelter. It's coming along. I am trying to figure how to pivot this to bring it to an ending soon. 

We have a home gym setup and my husband put a TV in there!! What? Now there is no stopping my running every day. He hooked up the fire stick so I have netflix in there now!! 

The good news is I ran 5 miles (doing a slow run/walk/run/walk). The bad news is that I forgot to eat lunch and my husband got upset about that when he came home. 

Usually I take a picture of my lunch and send it to him. He gets busy all day, but he likes to see it and I thought he had kind of forgotten about this. Yesterday I forgot to send the pic, but he saw the empty bag of carrots I had with my sandwich. Today though he asked about it when he got home and I seriously had forgotten. He thought I was trying to be sneaky, so he made me a half peanut butter/banana sandwich before I started on making dinner. Then I wasn't hungry for dinner! But oh well. 

This means tomorrow he will call and I'll eat lunch in front of him on facetime. We have had way too many food arguments. No yelling, just little lectures and kisses and promises to do better. At this point, he doesn't even argue about it. He just says, "Enough" and carries me off to the kitchen. 

I'm sure a therapist would say this is my way of getting attention. I don't know. Maybe it's part of our co-dependency or another part of why we are trapped in the daddy/boy cycle. It is probably worse with me being left home alone all day without exposure to people. 

But we are who we are and luckily I have a man who looks out for me and doesn't mind it.

He never complains. He never tells me, "You promised to do better!" He never shames me or makes me feel bad for it. He just puts us back on the plan of me writing down my food, weighing me a few times each week so I don't go too low, and eating meals in front of him when he is away to make sure I am getting enough. 

Yeah we're probably messed up, but that's us.

Anyways! The real point of this post was my current netflix binge show and the reason I stayed on the treadmill so long. No Good Nick is a VERY good show! I am hooked. Season 2 gets very dark, but it's still good. The son is randomly gay midway through it. Like no discussion or acknowledgement. He just suddenly finds a cute boy and holds his hand. Weird!! haha. But it's good! 


  1. I can so identify with the daddy/son cycle. Shrinky Dink has Zahir talking about something called "domestic discipline" to help "guide" me.

    1. That's definitely us. And maybe I encourage it and I also complain about it! haha. But he is a very good daddy and yours is too. :)

  2. You should check out the trailer for The Politician, starts next month. It’s by the guys involved with Pose and American Horror story so it can’t be too bad. Have you seen Pose? I haven’t gotten to Season Two yet which is supposed to be the major one.

    1. I haven't heard of either of these. Sometimes stuff gets blocked by the parental controls. If I get into his profile it has a lot more stuff. haha. I think I saw a clip of the pose show. It looks good! I'll ask him to add it.

  3. half a pbandb sandwich??? That was my go to sandwich when I was growing up. lol I hope you are doing well and taking care of you both. Can't wait to read more when I can.


    1. That is our go to when I haven't eaten. It is one food he will prepare for me because it is what he loves to eat so he knows how to make it just perfect with the sliced bananas and not too much peanut butter.

  4. I’ve heard the attention theory, or that when we don’t eat it’s because we feel like we don’t have control over other things in our life. But you guys have worked it out. I think you sound perfect for each other, very sweet of him to be so caring. And I think everyone has their own issues with something, it’s just not always obvious from the outside.
    Plus idk if either of you dated much before each other but if so you know there are some crazy dramatic guys out there. As in creating drama and baggage where there doesn’t need to be any. He’s probably more than happy to help you with the eating issue if he knows how high maintenance a lot of guys out there are.

    Plus it sort of sounds like you’re doing the best you can. I mean it’s Netflix so yeah, who’s thinking about eating in the middle of a good series

    1. He didn't date, but I know he played around like crazy. He sometimes gives little glimpses of his pre-me self. He just says it was a lot of bad choices and I am pretty low drama, or I try to be. He does so much for us so I try to show gratitude. :)

      Netflix sucks you in!! When that window pops up saying Are you still watching? It is like a wake up call. Today I did another 5 miles. :)

    2. I’m the opposite! When the window pops up I think ‘OMG, yes yes I’m here don’t leave!’ Haha, and then I’m sucked back in again. And, in our defense, they always end with cliffhangers.
      My gym has treadmills with monitors that get Netflix. I haven’t used it yet because idk the password. But the regular YouTube stuff on there has doubled my cardio time.
      And if you keep up your long workouts you’ll lose weight even if you eat enough. So he might think you’re not eating enough again:)

  5. Personally, I love my Daddy aka my husband. He's very loving & protective, and makes me feel safe and comfortable. He also helps me with self-discipline or just plain old discipline. In my case, I like to eat too much junk food or when we go out I like to drink too much. But daddy makes sure that doesn't happen, and I know I'm better off because of it. In high school and city college I wrestled, so I'm use to weigh-ins. Daddy still weighs me in to keep me on track. If he didn't care, I would probably be a fat alcoholic. But I'm not. I'm fit and healthy and still get to indulge in moderation because I have somebody watching over me. I don't indulge if he is not around. He's like a security blanket and feel lucky to have someone to help me will all my issues. Daniel

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  7. Food shows on netflix are always very interesting. You can install netflix apk TechBigs to watch in 4k full HD quality.
