Monday, August 5, 2019

What if It's Us? & mini-pity-party

I just finished reading a book called What If It's Us? The author is the lady who wrote the book that became the Love Simon movie (that book was good too!) and Adam Silvera (I have another book in my stack that he wrote called They Both Die at the End. 

It is a classic love story with missed signals that features a hip NYC kid (Ben) who meets a smart Jewish boy (Arthur) from suburban Atlanta. You can immediately spot which chapters were written by which author because Adam Silvera is a hipster from the Bronx and Becky Albertalli is a jewish kid from Atlanta. 

There are some trigger warnings for this book including anti-gay assault and... ok maybe there's just one. It is disturbing, but the rest of the book is easier. 

They are making a movie out of it next year. I am in this phase where I read a bunch of the book and then go back and listen to the audiobook version then read more then listen again until I finish. 

You get different things from each version. Anwyays. The audio book is read by Froy Gutierrez and Noah Galvin. I sort of recognized Noah's voice. He was on that series the Real O'Neals and I actually spotted him in West Hollywood! He is not that cute in real life and he got in trouble for some things he said which led to the show going down. 

The LA public library had both the book and the audiobook available in the app for free! But after reading a few chapters I made my husband take me to Barnes and Noble to buy the real book. It's good enough to want to support the authors. 

Noah Galvin does a good job reading Arthur and he even adds little sounds so it feels like a theatrical performance. He is a great audio actor and brings Arthur to life. 

BUT FROY GUTIERREZ! His voice is beyond adorable! He has this playful flirty perfection that pairs so perfectly with Ben's character. 

So have you read this book? Thoughts? What should I read next? 

I'm a stay-at-home house boy with too much free time right now... This house is getting lonely and I don't have any friends down here... That will be another blog post. My husband says he will make time and help me find some people down here. All around us is mostly straight families and older people. 

So yeah. Reading and writing are my only friends right now. It sucks, but um... yeah... This is where I'm at right now. Hopefully it gets better. 


  1. I can so identify... A side the occasional trip; I have Church on Sunday, Group on Monday and "shrinky" dink every other Tuesday, I live my life in these walls. There are times I consider slipping over the top for a few hours. Baba has even started hosting the deaf mute support group in the big house.

    My circle of friends from the embassy has grown. I now have three marines teaching self defense to me (under the family's watchful eye).

    Hang in there, it will get better EM. Just give it time and stay open to the opportunities of change. :)

    1. I really need some things like that. I reminded him of it at dinner and he just doesn't get it.
      To him there is no problem with him being my only source of interaction. He likes how I explode affection on him when he comes home because I've been down all day and alone. I need a group or church like you have.
      He keeps saying he will find me something, but he doesn't want me taking a class on campus, especially with all the shootings recently. So that is kind of ruled out until things settle down.
      I hate crying with him, but it seems like that's the only time I get a real change. I try so hard not to because it makes him feel like a huge asshole when he makes me cry. But it just really sucks.
      It's a beautiful cage he bought for me, but I didn't think it would be this isolating. At least in our apartment I got to go to the gym and the wifi lounge and other fun rooms within our building.

    2. Ok sorry that sounds really pitiful. I am super grateful that I have a life I couldn't have even dreamed about before we met. And he does his best to entertain me.

    3. Its like our guys have a PTPM (Protect The Princess Mode). I think it is a cultural imperative to isolate the precious things (US) at all costs.

      I am hoping Z lets me go back to work in the office when I finish my school. I am afraid I will become like his mother. She was a skilled engineer before she married Baba.

      I just wanted you to know someone else does understand the isolation issue. I got depressed to the point of not eating last year.

      Remember to take care of you EM. Hugs to you...

    4. I know you totally get it. It's nice to have that protection, but it's gotten super isolating now that we live so far from LA and all my friends.

  2. Argh! It sucks that you feel lonely. Nobody should feel that. Is there a place (café, gym, library or something) nearby that he would let you go to, to write for example?

    Or maybe a book club would be great. I know he's very protective of you, but he has to learn you have (social) needs as well.

    I hope this blog can be somewhat of an outlet for you. Please know that we (the commenters ;-)) are here for you! ♥♥ :)

    1. This blog is a huge outlet. I try not to complain too much. I am super blessed with an amazing man who can provide for us a lifestyle I never dreamed I could have, but I'm also 22 yrs old and not ready to be in a secluded suburban place where I have no community. Our neighborhood is small streets with no sidewalks and big lots with walls and canyon views. The tiny streets lead to a bigger street that connects to a busy six-lane highway down the hill. It's not set up to walk at all. We had a good talk last night. I'll blog about it when I get his answer on his plan. :)

  3. Doesn’t sound pitiful, or ungrateful. I agree if you could leave to read or write somewhere public or join a gym it would be helpful to at least be out of the house until you actually meet local friends. If you can’t do that you should look for some kind of online community that might lead to meeting neighbors. Nextdoor is helpful although the posters may end up being people you have little in common with. But sometimes you’ll see an interesting community event or book club or group that’s younger. has a lot of non dating groups maybe you can both attend but will lead to Emri friends.
    Keep telling him it’s important to you. It’s kind of a basic human need for most people. You guys sound so perfect together. But you’re also very different so keep reminding him. My concern for you is if he’s wanting you to lay low for the shootings it may get worse:(
    I read an article about a large percentage of millennials reporting few or no close friends. So if it was true you’re also not alone so do not feel pitiful either:)

    1. I will suggest the meetups idea. That does sound good! Maybe he will go for it.
      We did join a gym. The original idea was that he hired two assistants to be out in the field and he would work from home more and take me to the gym every day and we'd have time together, but he has a hard time giving up control to his assistants so he's kind of used them to just expand his business and take on more.
      I think our generation is super disconnected. I text with my friends every day and they text with each other but none of them are even really hanging out much. Everyone is splintering off. Now our texts are like someone sends a meme and then everyone types back "lol." :) haha.

    2. Yes! Text is so poor anymore. That’s my reality as well.
      I’ve sensed in some of your posts you don’t feel like you deserve to have complaints or negative thoughts because you have a great guy and overall a great life. But your feelings are still valid. You can be madly in love and grateful and have an amazing loving husband but also have a right to not be okay with things and have complaints:)

      Just an observation, maybe I’m wrong!

    3. I'm trying to get better about it. But when you are a small guy married to a super outgoing Persian beast, it can be intimidating. I'm learning though. I am.
