Saturday, August 24, 2019

Party Time, Yup

Birthday party was a huge success. His friends came down and he got to show off the new house. He is always the leader of his group and they look up to him. He was proud to be the first one of them to take the big step into adulthood with the big suburban home. They loved it! I had it sparkling clean for them and we ordered catering from the place he likes over in Little Arabia.

They watched some Persian movie with subtitles for me that didn't always make sense. Then they had a video game tournament late into the night. I fell asleep about 11 and I'm sure they went well after that because most of them were still out at 10am when he started waking them up for breakfast. 

He was so happy and so proud of me for taking care of his friends and making everything perfect. He told his parents all about it when they called today. 

For a reward, he took me shopping, gym, and lunch. Then he did a rare thing during our together time. Usually he is all about side B, but today he gave a good amount of attention to side A, which rarely happens other than my chest. Too much information. I know. 

It's been a good weekend so far though. Tomorrow we are going to meet up with the gay gamers group so I can hang out with them. I got a new boardgame to take!! I am excited! It's not a board game, more of a table game. Tokyo Highway. Has anyone played it? Ash and I tested it out this afternoon, but he gets so competitive. 

I don't know if they group will want to play, they kind of have their own games. But I'll take it with me. Husband said, "I will play with you if no one else will." 

I'm like "Oh thanks. Then I'll be the loser kid who only has his daddy to play with." haha. 


  1. Sounds like a great weekend so far! I'm so glad you are happy and thriving in your new place and making friends. It's very important.

    1. It will be fun! I am excited. They are nice guys and my husband is very kind with them. He wants me to be happy. That's everything.

  2. Your husband is awesome. He took you out networking. It's awkward to meet new people by yourself. Also you have another opinion about people you are getting to know. If your daddy doesn't like them, why bring that issue into the family. Also having your big strong successful man there doesn't hurt your street cred . Party sounded like big success if the prize your daddy gave you is an indications. You definitely need to show him how much honor and love everything he doing. So cool. Daniel

    1. He really is a good man who cares about me being happy and having a good life. He can be pretty controlling most times, but he does want me to have friends and feel normal.

  3. Good that the party was a success (and that you got rewarded by A. :-))

    Did the 'gay gamers' like Tokyo Highway?

    1. They did! It was fun. We only played two rounds, but they enjoyed it. I am glad they did! I was worried they would think it was dumb.

  4. Looks like a fun game. I may have to look for it. I see a lot of board games in my future. Glad Ash's birthday went well. You are a good hubby for him.

    1. Board games are fun! we are super non competitive with each other so it's usually just an excuse to talk and have fun.
