Sunday, August 11, 2019

We are in Texas.

We are in Texas. It is hot, really hot. Look at that "feels like" of 111!!! 

Yesterday morning we went early to walk this trail. It was beautiful and so green! They have all kinds of art alongside it. I told my husband that if that trail was in California, there would be homeless people setting up tents all along it. It's pretty sad. But in Houston there wasn't much of that. Or maybe they are all in shelters with the heat. 

We couldn't walk too much of it because it started to heat up really quickly and he was not down for that. We ended up going for an early lunch in the area and then heading back to his parents' house. This city is really pretty. His parents area has huge homes covered in trees and shady small streets. 

Friday was the start of Hajj, which is a muslim holy time. His dad woke him up early to go and do prayers at a mosque the family goes to. He took his younger brother too, but they didn't invite me. Neither he nor his dad invited me. I thought that was kind of strange. I have gone before with them. I asked my husband about it and he said he worries that right now is not a safe time. That never occurred to me. I guess with all the bad things going on lately, they worried they might be a target. 

I stayed home with his mom and we had a small breakfast then I helped her get working on lunch for them for when they returned. We made a Persian feast. I mostly cut vegetables and stood there which made her happy. 

We are mostly doing indoor activities since it is so hot here. The grocery store they go to is INSANE. It is twice as big as anything we have back home. We got fresh made tortillas and they have cooking demonstrations. It was amazing! 

We were supposed to go home tomorrow, but my husband being the workaholic has found business here. One of his big clients has connections here and so he is meeting with some investor guy. Luckily I packed a nice suit for him. He was so happy. 

His dad wants him to get me a driver's license and car. Apparently my husband had told him he was working on it, which he is not. His dad got mad when he found out that my husband hasn't been doing that. I told him, "I really don't want to drive." Which is true. Living in suburbia though I can see where I might need to learn. I can't imagine just getting in a car by myself and driving somewhere without him. It has been a few years since I have gone anywhere on my own. That feels weird to say. 

My husband gets upset when his dad tries to give input about how he should be doing things with me. Husband does not like anyone's input, but his dad seems to offer it a lot. I stay out of it. I know they talk on the phone at least a few times a week, and my husband says his dad always asks how I am doing and gives him advice about being more open with me. 

I certainly didn't bring up my sadness last week from being trapped in the house all the time. I think my husband told him though, because he seemed a little extra attentive in asking how I am adjusting to living in such a secluded area. Their house is pretty secluded as well, but my husband's mom can drive. She goes to her women's groups with ladies from the mosque. She seems pretty busy. 

I have written some of the next Hayden chapter. I'm not sure how to work Evan in. He will bring problems. :) 


  1. Don't keep you father I in law in the dark. He has wisdom, influence with your husband, and is part of your support system. He can help find a social outlet for you that is acceptable to all. Daniel

    1. True, but my husband doesn't want me running to them or anyone else with issues about our marriage. He is the child they push the hardest and the one they depend on the most. So I try to build him up to them. He really is an amazing husband.
      On the social front, he found a few different groups for us to check out when we get back to California. There is an Orange County lgbt center and they have different social groups and some for my age range. I'm right in the middle of the 18-25 year olds group so that one looks fun. He is too old for that group, but he said it sounds good for me. We will see :)

  2. Curious why they push him the hardest? And I personally wouldn’t want to live in TX (no offense to TX people, just not for me, I’m sure it has amazing parts:) but since you guys seem to like it would you ever move there or somewhere outside CA?
    Those groups sound promising! He’s really sweet to find things for you like that.

    1. I've only ever lived in Southern California. This place is nice, but it's not home. I don't see us leaving. He makes a lot of money in LA and we just bought a house. We're supposed to head home on Wednesday now. He is working remotely here.
      Texas has nice big houses and their money goes far here. His parents have a very comfortable setup and his dad does his research here. They are happy with it and there are a lot of muslims in Houston so they are finding a good community here.
