Friday, April 26, 2019

Took a beat...

I had a crazy bit of trauma this week. I am ok and healthy, husband is fine, our families are fine, but just something that made me really sad and feeling numb for a few days. 

I will be ok. Husband showed me just how much he really will do to take care of me and make me better. We are going to be moving soon, maybe in a month. He is close to choosing a house and working on a new plan for his business. 

I didn't do much school work and I didn't do much writing, but now it is time to get back to things. I have projects and chapter 7 of Ahmed to work on. Thanks everyone for sticking around. 

Chapter 7 of Ahmed is set a few years after Kasper's Den. So things will pick up and retrace a bit with what happened with Kyle. I never wrote his story. I started it and even wrote most of a chapter, but it didn't feel right and I wasn't into it. 

It'll be interesting to see the Hamad family from the perspective of the alphas. It has always been seen through the boys. Emerson's, Lincoln's, and Kasper's points of view. Ahmed is on the Ali side though. He will learn things the boys don't know. He will make decisions with the power players and he will build a future for his cub. 

Dylan too will be interesting. I don't plan for him to just be a go along cub. He very much idolizes Mr. Hamad and Emerson. But maybe he will awaken to some things. I'm not sure yet how that will go or what will happen. 


  1. The perspective of the alpha isn't my favorite point of veiw. That being said you make it very entertaining. I think it will help highlight the innocents and vulnerability of the cubs more.

  2. We all had a hard week, I think. 😢 I've done a lot of crying myself and my guy has been wonderful to let me have my meltdowns and has been there to comfort me.

    I really like the way the story is going and I love the Alpha perspective.

    1. I'm happy he can be there to make you feel better. I am sorry for what you're going through!

  3. I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. Take as much time as you need for yourself and for Ahmed's cub.

    1. I agree, although I can't wait for the next chapter. Daniel

  4. Sorry to hear you had a hard week. I hope things improve soon for you. Take time for yourself, if you can.

    When you refer to perspective with your writing I think of when I first started reading Noah and Kasper. I assumed you personally were either a California guy or a Middle Eastern guy. But I kept fluctuating on which one. Because you are convincing as both, in your writing. I didn’t catch your blog or intro comments for a long time.
