Sunday, April 21, 2019

Ahmed Ch. 6

I just sent in Chapter 6 of Ahmed's Cub. Hopefully it will post tomorrow. It is a bombshell of a chapter if you followed my other series. 

We had a good weekend. We went for an Easter Brunch at a house in Manhattan Beach. His clients live there and their neighbor plays for a famous sports team (Not the Lakers). It was so nice. They had their backyard setup and it was catered. 

We decided to go with matching outfits. We never do that, but he said they are the type that would like to see that. My husband had a pink button-up with blue shorts and I had a blue button-up with pink shorts. We both had white shoes on. So gay! We walked in holding hands and got some adoring comments. It was funny. 

I will say that my husband knows how to work a crowd of older gay couples very very well. No one besides us was under 50. It was nice though. They had steak as an option since my husband doesn't eat ham (pig). I wanted the ham because it looked really good and my husband said it was ok, but I stuck with him in solidarity. Muslims don't do Easter for obvious reasons, but he was intrigued by the bunny and egg concept. 

He kept asking "But why a rabbit? You don't eat rabbit meat on easter. It is very good." They did have deviled eggs, but they were sprinkled with bacon. 😆So no to those as well. 

I'll start soon on chapter 7. I need to blog less and write more. :) 

Hot Persian of the Day: 


  1. Matching outfits? Aww!!! I love that! Sometimes, we have to be what we are and let people know. My guy struggles with the concept of being gay and if I ask him, he will say, "You are the one I love, so does it matter?" He raises a good point. Gay or straight, you love who you love. I am very sure that with him being Saudi, it puts a big damper on how he identifies.

    I sent you a message about my unusual Easter evening. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

    I can't wait until the next chapter posts!!

    1. Mine too. He would never wear a rainbow thing or want to go to a pride parade, but he does give to an lgbt resource center and he works a lot with gay clients. His country isn't very friendly to gays either, so I can understand it.

  2. Yay for Mr. Hamad and Emmerson! Another great chapter, though it was a little light on the sex ;-)

    Love the return of your older characters. Curious about Kasper and especially Kyle. The last time we saw him, he was bound up in a closet. I loved that story-line...

    Keep up the good work!!

    1. Thank you! Yeah I didn't realize until I got to the end that I hadn't put much. I will have to make up for that in the next one! :)

  3. I just read the sixth chapter. Well done! It was amazing! I'm also liking how there's a solid thread of logic to everything that's happening, despite some of the concepts being science fiction.

    When I got to the part where Mr Hamad appeared, I was honestly happily surprised and a little scared at the same time. I think that might have been because I was worried that there would be some kind of story progression with his character and I'd have to reevaluate his stance on his character in my story. What I'm trying to go for is a cub that joins the Hamad family, and although he's young, he's a little too smart. I'm trying to keep the personalities you created to be consistent with the ones in my story.

    But I was scared for no reason. You did a great job in this chapter! Can't wait for the next one! :-)

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you're still working on the series! Will you post it? I think it's cool to see them in different stories. The sad thing is Ali Hamad gets older in each progressive series. Eventually he will die. I won't write that. He will always be my original hero. :)

  4. I may post it, but there may not be enough sex scene for people to enjoy. Lol. But Ali Hamad is still a great character. And even though he won't be around for much longer, you have already done him more than enough justice.

    I may delve a little deeper into him later on. (if you want to know more, without spoilers, look up 'Emperor Tarot Card'). I may delve deeper into everyone soon, but I'll try to add a suitable sex life for the main characters too when the time comes.

  5. Nice work. Happy to see one of my favorite couples return. And hopefully Ali, Jr. too. Love the hot guy picture. I don’t think he’s Persian but I’m currently in love with Hassan Jameel. I picture one of your characters like him.

    1. That guy is in the new aladdin movie, right? Yes so hot! :)

  6. Yummy, forbidden pork products... I think I'm drooling. They have a weird beef bacon over here. It's not the same thing.

    1. There is something very appealing about this story. You know my backstory. There's a lot in my past that I would definitely volunteer to have an implant. There's a lot of pain I would love to have erased. As far as the compliance issue I'm not sure I would welcome that, I kind of like being able to say no. I do not say it often but when I do Zahir does listen tho my concerns.

    2. Thank you! I will write more soon. I had a crazy week :( but things are getting better. I totally agree with you here. I would do it too. I do need to have Dylan show some small defiance, maybe surprise Ahmed like... did the procedure falter?

  7. Also loved the new chapter! Can't wait for more now. Especially with even more character crossover.


  8. Read chapters 5 & 6. I love your story. You weren't kidding when you said you were doing the story from the alpha's perspective. Wouldn't they absolutely love to have that much control over us boys. It's natural for them to want to tighten control. I think it reduces the things they have to worry about and makes life easier for them. Who knows what they will be able to do in the future. But boys need to push back on those boundries to make life better. If you lock everything down, nobody will be happy. Even the alphas would probably die of boredom. Sometime when I push too far I get in trouble, sometimes it turns out really well. I always hear people say you need to push the bounderies. They say that in almost every field, not just relationships. But if you are wrong you get hammered. I was told the trick is to push but not too far. I'm looking forward to what trouble and happiness the alpha and boys get in to in your next chapters. Thanks for the terric story. Daniel

    1. Thank you!! :) I am just starting to work on the next chapter. :)
