Sunday, April 7, 2019


There's something so intimate about being in a car together at night driving along in LA traffic. It's dark out and we have the sunroof open and the only lights are coming from the control screen and the odd light pole. It feels like when we are in bed curled up and talking about nonsense. 

I stay awake when he's driving at night. I have to entertain him. It's my one job; keep husband alert. I lean over the center console and put my head against him. He puts an arm around me and I ask him stupid questions that will make him tell one of his endless stories so he can relax while we get stuck in traffic. 

We went to dinner with some clients of his who invited us out to their house up in the hills where Orange County meets the San Gabriel Valley. It was so cool seeing in three directions from their house up on a high hill. We left as the sun was going down and then there was a truck overturned and four lanes smashing into one and we sang Katy Perry  and Ariana Grande and talked about how great carpool karaoke is and how nice the clients were and how a house on a hill might be nice. 

It was all good until we got home and I realized I was all itchy. 

"My butt itches!" I said before I realized my dad was there when we walked in. There are things you only say to your life partner. 

Husband put down his keys and lifted the back of my t-shirt and looked down my shorts. 

"Is all red! Do you forget to take the allergy pill?" I realized I'd forgotten. I get the prescription stuff because I have bad allergies, especially my skin and ESPECIALLY with the crazy spring bloom we are having after all the winter rains. 

My dad chimes in "Why were you touching your butt?" 

"I wasn't touching my butt!" I yelled at him. Then dad immediately looks at my husband and goes "Oh... OH! oh...." 

Yeah... I had to keep him entertained on the long drive home. He just likes to rub it. I guess he had touched something. It could have just been the dust on the car or when he stopped to pump gas. 

He sent me off for a shower and gave me Benadryl and now I'm in bed while husband works on stuff for the week. It makes me super sleepy but it also clears things up. 


  1. I feel your pain... One of the two worst places for an allergy flare.

    1. Yes! my husband never gets skin allergies, just a little sniffly. He is always amazed how easily my skin turns red when I touch something weird. He says I am too delicate.

  2. It sounds like you got a pollen massage. I get headaches breathing it but having it rubbed into your skin is probably much worse. Was he embarrassed by your dad’s realization? That part of the story is funny but I’m sorry you’re so allergy prone. Not fun.
