Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday blues

When he comes home after a bad day he always takes me to our room; lights off, strip down, AC on super frigid. He spoons me and kisses my neck until he feels better. He never wants to talk about it. I give him 15 minutes of quiet then I start to interrogate. 

Him: Is nothing. Just a long day. I am home with my boy and life is good. 

Me: Did you lose a client? 

Him: No, my dear. 

M: Your bosses were mean to you?  

H: No, sweet one. 

M: The cafe forgot your extra pickles?

H: Never! (He loves pickles)

M: The butler did it? 

H: There is no butler. 

M: Were wizards involved? 

H: Not that I know... you have some strange ideas of what I do at work! 

I made him a good dinner and then made the tuna he likes for his lunch tomorrow. He's back to normal now and playing video games with his headset on so he can yell and laugh with his friends in Farsi. He said he just needed some time with me to recharge. I wish he would open up about stuff, but he thinks I wouldn't understand his complicated work and he doesn't want to worry me. I'm just happy he comes to me for comfort. 


I was at the gym this morning and this HOT, muscled Korean guy came in. He did about ten minutes of weights then stood in front of the mirror wall playing with his hair and talking on his airpods to someone in Korean for about twenty minutes. His hair was perfection but wow! It was enough time to study him for my story. 


  1. Relationships are never easy. But who wants easy? Easy is boring. :-)
    I hope you and your husband are doing well, though.

    On another note. I wanted to say, and this is the first time I've commented on your blog, I love your stories. My first one was Emerson and the Lion and I absolutely adored it. I then started everything you wrote online (I know, not creepy at all). After reading a few of your series, you inspired me to start writing my own stories in my spare time. It's actually been a wonderful way for me to spend time outside of killing time by surfing youtube. It helps clear my thoughts. So far, I've written six parts and am on the seventh, but there's also something I wanted to say along with that. My story uses your characters from the Hamad saga. I haven't posted it anywhere though. The characters themselves belong to you. This is just something I do as a private activity. However, if you feel uncomfortable with me using your characters in my story, which I stand on not posting anywhere, I can change it. And don't worry about taking away a past-time activity for me. I mean it. I was mulling over for about a week of how to post this comment since I started writing on March 1st. All I'm saying is, your stories are hands-down incredible. I even love the Ahmed's Cub story. I like the ethical issues it tackles and at the same time, making a great love story. Well done!

    1. That's awesome! I'd like to read them. I hope you post them. It would be interesting to see how they come out in other stories. :) The Hamads will be back VERY soon in my stories. Eventually Ali will reach the end of his life. That would be too sad to write about. :) SO yes you can use them just don't kill them! haha.

    2. Heh, wouldn't dream of it. And, I should say, there's a lot of drama in them. And, I don't know if I should post them just yet. With part 7 in the works, I still have zero sex scenes. I'm still eighteen, and haven't...done it yet, so I can only speculate on that subject. Plus, I'm trying to make it unique in my own way. But I'll do my best!
      How do you want me to send them to you? Should I send them to your email that you have on nifty?

    3. Sure! or if you have them in google drive, just share them and send me the link :) It makes it easy to comment and talk about them.

    4. I sent them to your email. Hope you enjoy!

  2. I love your line of questioning! Isn't it awesome when we can make our guys feel better? I know that when I was sick, he did anything and everything to make me feel better. He's my other half and completes me. :)

    1. I get goofy because I am frustrated with his non-answers. It's like he wants to swoop in and solve every problem I have but never wants to burden me with his. Part of it is his pride. He wants to be the man with all the answers, but another part is like he thinks I can't handle it. He puts a lot on himself and doesn't ask for much other than food and obedience. :)

    2. Mine is getting more like that every day. When he has a bad day at work, all I get is, "It will work out", but when I have a bad day he wants to know everything like he can solve the problems. I keep telling him that we need to work together, but all I get in response is that it is his job to solve problems.

      Have our guys read the same manual, and where do I find a copy? Ha ha!

  3. I love the questions you ask. Our guys can be so serious. I love tripping Z's play-drive with silly stuff too. I was thinking I was alone with the crazy AC temps. Wondering if Bedu and Persians are thermally related... He's hot, I am cold when we come together I expect to see tornadoes... Wait that would be sex, never mind.

    I guess I am lucky. Zahir is training me to work for/with him. Even though my internship is on hold pending completion of my degree he asks questions on occasion. "Do you see an issue with stress load?" Not sure if he is just testing me sometimes, or really wants my help, but it is nice to be asked.

    There is the line that is not crossed. When he says no, that ends all talk. With the project he is on now, I hear it a lot. First time he ever ordered me out of his office.

    1. I have definitely learned to stop pushing him when he says to stop. I remember one time when he put his hands on my cheeks and said very sadly, "I love you so much, but why do you keep to this when I say to stop?" He was looking right into my soul like he really didn't understand it and was disappointed in the situation.
      He is always warmer than I am! It's why at home he wears just a simple pair of gym shorts and maybe a tank top of my dad is home. If it's just us then he goes around in boxer briefs. I think he's just a big muscly guy whose body is a much more complicated machine than mine.
      That's cool you get to work with him. Mine says I will assist him once our kids are old enough to be in school and won't need a stay-at-home me all day.

    2. Z forbids the "baby and adoption talk" anymore. I guess that explains why I am not a house boy. He said he was given a gift to develop, then he taps my head. It will be enough, or as another Disney Princess could be told, "Let it go Elsa."

      Still, I think he would make a great DAD, and I'd be a good dad. Can't have everything I suppose. Hard to believe I am almost 6 months from not being a teen anymore. Is time supposed to pass this fast?

    3. No babies for you two? Never ever? You're still young so maybe in five years or so it'll change. I am excited for it but this getting a pregnancy going thing is taking awhile :(

    4. I hope some day he changes his mind. I don't think he will unless we leave Jordan.

      He doesn't want "little ones" joining us in the bullseye. I see his point, I know he's right. It doesn't mean I have to like it.

    5. It is so weird every time I see a post to you. It's like I'm time traveling to talk to you. I'm posting at 8:30 in the morning on the 4th and you're receiving it at 10:3939 the evening of the 3rd. So weird.
