Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Ahmed Five

I sent in the latest chapter of Ahmed's Cub It was hard to write with my midterm projects and vacation, but I finally got some good solid writing time today and finished it. Hopefully it posts tomorrow. I left a hanger on the cliff so hopefully chapter six doesn't take too long. I never know. I start out with good intentions then life gets busy. 

Husband is working on something big. He finally told me tonight. His company has agreed to let him move up to be a supervisor. Basically they want him to hire two people to do what he does and oversee them. That would let him take on more projects for them and make more money but also not have to drive around as much. He would be doing more of his research and proposal and closing stuff and have the people to go out and do what he needs. 

That would be amazing. The last few months I have basically had my husband for dinner, sex, and sleep. I go to the gym by myself and occasionally he takes me out for walks or dinner when I don't feel like cooking. But mostly he comes home exhausted and just wants his dinner, his boy in his lap, and his boy in his bed. Sounds like fun but I miss our little times just watching stuff or playing games on his phone or even just hanging out with him while he plays his video game. 

Vacation was a big awakening. We got out of the city and enjoyed the hotel and saw the zoo and bummed around San Diego. I got to have my playful guy back. 


  1. It is so important to have time for just the two of you. I always get so excited when I have a few days off during the week to be able to be at home and do the things he wants and cook really good meals for him, but then the time is cut short by the report that needs to be finished or the presentation slideshow that needs to be made. I hate to do it, but sometimes if I get moody he will put everything away and just hold me and talk to me. That's all I really want. He is very successful and is pushing me to finish my program so that we can work together, but I miss the guy that was courting me and trying to win me over to be his. Honestly, he didn't have to try that hard. I was sold almost from the beginning. Why can't that guy be the one who comes home every day? Sorry...whiny white boy moment there...

    1. Hopefully you finish soon! :) I don't know what life will be like when I finally finish my degree. Hopefully we have a kid by then. It has been nice being home and able to take care of things this week since I'm on spring break and he forbid me from school work. I am looking up exciting recipes to make. I have to schedule the grocery delivery for when he comes home for lunch today, but I am just about finished putting together the list for what I want to make. It's cool you can order it online now. That way he can come home and not have to go anywhere. I do like my trips out, but I want to be there for him this week since I have time and no stress.

  2. I need to send you a few South African recipes to try. Traditional stuff that you guys would like. 😊

    1. I made chicken with roasted vegetables. I couldn't figure out the ordering system for grocery delivery so he came home and took me to the store so I could grab everything for the rest of the week meals.

  3. I know the feeling about missing quality time. I miss going into work with him. He tries to make our time with my homework/projects OUR funtime. It's not the same. Since I got sick he's been treating me like I'm made of porcelain and going to shatter into a thousand pieces. It's frustrating.

    I feel your pain.

    1. I get that too. He still babies me but he is getting better about it. I put up with it because his job is stressful and it makes him feel good to have a needy little boy waiting on him.

    2. I loved chapter 5! Not sure Zahir to read it to me. Your ending will scare the heck out of him!

    3. That should have read not sure I want Zahir...

    4. DOn't worry. chapter 6 will be a warm happy blanket and some fun vengeance.

  4. Emri, you have done an awesome job at the 5th chapter. Is it really like that with a couple? In a regular male/female relationship, I know it can get that way. I am soooooooo hooked as to what will happen in the next chapter that I can't wait for it to come out. You have done an excellent job with this that I will say you have me hooked again.
    Till next time,

    1. Thank you!! :) I am working on chapter 6 right now! :)

  5. Another great chapter, Emri! The way you describe the places, it's almost like we are there. And that cliffhanger...

    Really can't wait for the next one! :-)

    1. Thank you! I just sent in chapter six so it should post soon. :)
