Wednesday, May 1, 2019

too close...

I am going to be missing for a bit! We decided on a house and they agreed to the offer. My husband is ecstatic about getting a much bigger space with room for his parents, my dad, our future babies. It is really pretty and on a hillside overlooking Orange County. It has a little backhouse with the garage so my dad is excited to have his own space again where he can be messy and have things his way but still join us for meals and family things. It'll be good. 

We are going to move in a few weeks. They are eager to be out. It'll be good. My husband got his company to let him hire two guys he will train to do his job and he will oversee them so it'll let him take on more projects without having to be out and driving around all day. They will do the work and he will supervise and put the projects together. It will let him work from home more and be with me. 

Last week was really rough in dealing with things. A friend of mine I grew up with is gone forever. I was really sad and clingy to my husband. He liked having me buzzing around him constantly, now I am kind of pulling back to my regular routine and he is like "Hey where did my honeybee go?" I am not normally all over him all the time. He liked the attention. 

It's funny because he has no boundaries when it comes to me. Like last night in the shower, ok this is kinda gross, sorry. We were just talking and cleaning ourselves and all of a sudden I feel the soap in my butt and I'm like "HEY! No!" haha. Gross, I know, sorry! 

I clean myself down there. He is welcome to it after I have done my job. He thinks of us as one person which I guess is good since we're married and all, but I always want to be his perfect, clean, ready to go boy. Usually I shower alone after I go to the gym before he gets home from work. Then he comes home to me all clean and fresh and making his dinner. 

He is the man of my dreams, I am the boy of his reality. 

Ok I promise I will make some progress on Ahmed Chapter 7. I have two pages down. I know what I want to write, but I also have final projects and now a move to prepare for. I need more time. 


  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Sadly the people I call close friends are in the single digits. In foster care you don't really develop close attachments to people you're probably going to say goodbye to in a few weeks.

    There have been a few over the years who wormed their way into my heart.

    Very happy to hear about the first AshEm compound. I didn't think I would like it but I love nesting. Buying things and putting them places knowing they are ours.

    As to the shower personal space... Ah, I remember I had that once upon a time.

    1. Yes! :) It is so pretty and so much space to decorate and fill. It is all redone and pretty. I am excited.

  2. Congrats on the new home! I'm sure you and your family will be happy there.

    Hopefully having the family there won't cut into your and A's playtime and - more important for us - your writing time ;-) Just kidding. Take your time with Achmed 7.

    1. Thank you! :) I will get back to it when things settle down.


  3. I'm sorry for your loss. It's good that you have such a big family that supports you and that are going to be close by. All the new things, house, neighborhood, extended family living together, finals, CHAPTER 7; are mostly positive and will keep you busy and distracted. Dude, my hubby put a "toy" in my butt and we were late so we just had to leave to make to a dinner we couldn't miss. I had that in my butt the whole night! Big Daddy was very amused, ha..ha.. Daniel

  4. Daniel here again. Sorry, maybe too much information for this website. It's just that Emri triggerd my run away thoughts. It was really my fault. I can treat Big Daddy like an emotional punching bag sometimes. I feel bad for doing it, but he says he can take it. One of his tricks when I'm riding some obsesive thoughts is distraction, sometimes it's distractions on top of distractions on top of distractions. It seems the longer I go, the more he goes. Anyway the point, that night was a big distraction for me, which was good for me, and let's just say the night ended really, really good, enough said. Daniel

    1. No worries!! I do really embarrassing things when it's just the two of us. Like seriously last week I stopped in mid sentence with him and said "OMG I sound so whiny... I apologize." He just encourages the baby side of me and likes it. I hated how I sounded to myself though. I have to work on that. In front of others I never ever do that, but when it's just us together I can be a total whiny boy.
