Sunday, May 5, 2019

SKipping Ramadan

So Ramadan started. It is a month long thing of fasting from sun up (6am in SoCal) to sunset (8pm). I only know about it because I heard it on the radio and I turned to my husband and sad "Oh! Happy Ramadan!" And he gave me a guilty look and said "Yes, I will be praying much this month." He is totally skipping the fasting! 

I tell him he's a lazy muslim😇. He never talks about it with me. too funny. I told him don't feel bad about it, but I do want our kids to learn his religion. They should know their culture. 

I'm sure his parents think he is fasting. I notice because he didn't check in or post about the cool lunch place we went to today in Orange County. It was so cute, an old church they turned into a restaurant. 

I can see his social media but I don't post on it. If I take a pic of something I post it in our couples' app and then he decides if it goes online or not. Sometimes he just responds with "This is for us, baby." That means no. 

Actually the last pic I sent him was a definite no. We were sitting at a coffee shop waiting for a client and chilling on the couch. He had on a nice suit with these pants that hugged his bulge so perfectly from the way he was sitting plus he had on these nice leather shoes that are cute. I took a pic of our laps and legs. His legs were spread open wide like a man does and I was pressed into his left side with my legs closed wearing jeans and Vans. He had his left hand on my thigh and coffee in his right. I remember he was talking business on his earpods while I was playing with my phone. It's a cute pic and so very much us, but of course he didn't post that. his bulge looked too.... bulged. 

Today we went to see the new house. It is empty and our offer was accepted and put through so the owners are gone already to Hawaii. Their realtor let us in to look at it. It is huge! It's older but redone. It has beautiful floors and this step down living room that has all glass doors on the back of it to show the hillside view. It's very private because behind it is a wall and then wooded cliff. It has fire clearance so that should help if the wildfires flare up around there this summer. So it has small green backyard then desert landscape for clearance then wall then cliff with trees. 

We are moving in a few weeks. I have a lot to do. Final projects to work on and some Ahmed to write. :) Hope everyone had a great weekend. My husband surprised me with the new airpods. They are SO AWESOME! 


  1. 14 hours of fasting, wow. I don’t blame him. It would be so difficult to focus at work too. How do people do it? I guess through prayer?!? I screwed up Lent every year growing up and it’s way less restrictive. I would suck at Ramadan.

  2. I observe with Zahir and his family. Either Mama, Sister or I wake up 2 hours before sunrise and make sure there's a light breakfast for everyone. The reason I observe the fast with them is so I do not become a stumbling block to their faith.

    It's harder to skip the fast when we live in his parents backyard.

    His sister makes jokes about how do we know if the boy (me) is fasting? How can we tell it from normal?

  3. Does your husband's family have special foods they eat during Ramadan? Sajid's sister was here yesterday and showed me some foods they eat to be able to maintain the daily fast. They are typically low carb and high protein to maintain energy during the day time. It is very interesting.
