Friday, February 2, 2018

Goodbye Reseda

Change is hard for me. I don't care for it. We have a house in Orange County, but it's getting fixed up. A [the fiancee] wants new floors, paint, appliances, other stuff. 

He thinks I want a fancy kitchen even though I've never mentioned it. He just has this idea that somehow the kitchen is the most important thing to me. He pictures me spending my days there working on crazy meals for him when he gets home from work. Except for the fact that we're a gay couple, he is a super traditional guy. In his culture, the women are supposed to be at home taking care of things and enjoying it. I don't mind cooking, but I really just hang out in the kitchen when I need to get some writing done. 

The original plan was that we will move down there when my semester is over and then my dad will move down a month or so later. He is going to live with us and start a new job down there. A (the fiancee) found my dad a better paying position down there with a luxury car dealer (my dad can fix anything). Well my dad's lease is up on the little apartment we lived in since I was tiny. The landlord was the elderly lady who had it as an investment and kept the rent low because my dad fixed anything that broke in the place. She died and her kids sold it so the new owner wants market rate rent which is about double what dad paid. 

A [fiancee] decided my dad should go ahead and move out. So now he is going to give it up at the end of this month. He's going to move in with us until he starts his new job down in Orange County and then live in our house before we even get to move in there. They told me this today over lunch. 

Lots of change. Soon Reseda won't be home anymore.  

I lived there for 18 years of my life. Now I have a few weeks to say goodbye to it... forever. 
I'm saying goodbye to my college, my valley, and the home I grew up in. 

I know it's a good thing. My dad won't have to worry about money anymore since he will live with us. A [fiancee] is very traditional and in his culture the extended family lives together plus he gets along so well with my dad. My dad pretty much trusts whatever A says and asks his advice on things. He's even helping my dad get a newer truck since his is almost as old as I am. A says that when you marry someone, their family becomes yours so he looks after my dad like he was his own. 

It was kind of funny watching them prepare me for the news over lunch. They both care so much about me and know how hard I take change. They even took me to the veggie restaurant I like even though they're not fans. I guess I can't really complain. 

I did point out, once we'd left my dad, that if my dad is living with us it'll cut into our naked time around the house. He said my dad is planning some trips this summer so we will have time to experience each room of the new house (except for dad's... yuck). 

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