Sunday, February 11, 2018

We got married

We got married this weekend. It was unplanned. Well, it's been in the planning for way too long now... He wanted something big and crazy. We were supposed to be planning it for awhile now and he kept pushing me to make choices and decide on things and I kept putting it off... It got to be too much. He got kind of upset with me and said he didn't care what we did so long as we did it soon. Then he told me we should just do it. 

I'm definitely going to have to write a chapter of Noah about it. 

It was so crazy and perfect and just a small group of people we wanted. A client of his offered his house with this crazy view of the ocean from a hillside in Palos Verdes. Then, everyone we wanted there had no plans so we took it as a sign and just did it. 

The craziest part was the letter he gave me from his mom. It was all in Persian of course, but he read it to me. It was a letter to his future wife about all the things I should know about him and then a list of things the Quran says a wife should expect from her husband. The letter was really beautiful. I'll have to put that in the Noah chapter even though I'll probably get a million comments from people saying how horrible it is. 

He said it obviously was meant for a female but his mom said he had her blessing to give it to me since I am his chosen mate. The funny thing is that it's seen as a more traditional culture but yet she told me how he needs to be stood up to and don't let him get away with certain things that I often let him get away with. 

She said he needs to help out with the house more and she was sorry for not making him do more of that when he was growing up. They had a housekeeper who took care of things and he never learned to do for himself. She said he needs to be put in his place sometimes or he will be too pushy and take me for granted. That's an argument we've had a few times. She said that he is more sensitive than he lets on and to be gentle with his heart. She said he needs someone who will argue with him and not let him get away with being a master. She said I have rights and I need to insist on them and remind him of what his faith says he is to be as a husband. 

She said to not be afraid to push him because he doesn't commit easily so when he finally settles on someone  he will be very loyal, very protective, and very stubborn that it is forever. She said to be patient with him, that even when he does something I disagree with he is coming from a place of love and he will always put my heart first. She said that she has always been proud of him and she knows he will make a wonderful husband and father. There was more. I'll put it in the chapter. 

When he was reading the harsher comments and translating it for me he kept saying "That's not true!" I just laughed. It's all him and all mine. 

So now I have to get my name changed and new ID and stuff. We decided on his last name instead of mine or both. I like his name, my name, our name. 


  1. Congratulations on your marriage and many blessings to the both of you. May Allah bless you two with many years of happiness,prosperity,love,good health,great communication and lots of children .

  2. So happy for you. Congratulations.

  3. Congrats! Never take each other for granted! My husband and I both forgot our 15th Anniversary earlier this year!
