Sunday, February 4, 2018

Super Me

A. [the fiancee]... I should just call him Navid like I do in the stories. Or is that too weird? I never know. Anyways, today we had his friends over for the super bowl (they're still downstairs, but I lost interest). His friends are enjoying it. I hear them yelling every few minutes. 

He was so sweet this morning helping me make the food for the party. We got up early and went to the grocery store and got a ton of food and alcohol. He helped me make stuff. It was funny watching him try to figure things out. I had to direct him a little, but he's a good chopper. 

We talked this morning at the grocery store about me getting a driver's license. I know how to drive, kind of. I took the class and had my permit and I even had a license for a few months before we got together. When we got serious though, my dad noticed that I never drove since A. picked me up and took me to school and back. The insurance payments were crazy for me, and my dad and A. decided it would be better if I just gave it up. 

My dad gave me the choice. He said if I wanted to keep it I could, but I knew that $1,800 a year just for a decorative license was kind of a steep price tag for my dad. I didn't get any tickets or anything, but guys under 25 are costly. A. said he had no problem taking me where I need to go if my dad was unavailable, and it's not like I liked driving anyways. So I traded it in for a simple state ID card and my dad got to take me off the insurance. 

But we are moving to a much more spread out place and there won't be a hospital and grocery store just down the street. It's a place where you kind of need a car for emergencies, and eventually when we have kids I will have to have a car for things. 

He suggested we buy a second car just to have and get one that is more fun than his car. His car is for clients. It's a superluxe big Lexus that looks like a successful business guy should have. When we get kids, we'll need something like an SUV, but he said we could get something smaller and sportier until then. 

I know what he's doing. He misses his old car. He had an older sports car that was dirty and a little banged up, but it was super fast and fun. I remember feeling so cool being in that car with him, mostly just because I was him. But he would get so excited showing me what it could do. We'd go all over LA in it and he loved it like it was his child. We used to find secluded places to park and um... explore each other.

He showed me the world in that car and I could see how hurt he was when his boss suggested he go for the Lexus, a family sedan with more safety features and class for his clients. 

He wouldn't let me drive that of course, but there would always be at least one of the cars at home for emergencies. He knows I can't drive a stickshift unless he teaches me. I told him I'd be ok with an old used corolla like the one my grandmother let me use. He looked horrified! :) 

"My baby in a Corolla? Never!" 

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