Friday, February 16, 2018

In Sickness and Tatoos...

I've been sick off and on for the last few weeks. Like it goes away then comes back. This week it got bad so A.[husband] took me to a specialist (Persian of course). He took blood, swabs, all kinds of stuff. Yesterday we found out I have this weird virus I can't pronounce. He joked that it mostly shows up in animals. 

A. got my prescriptions and this specialized sinus rinse along with a big red stuffed heart from the day after Valentine's clearance. He helped me rinse out my sinuses and then he put me facing him in his lap and held me while I bent backwards for my sinuses to empty. We found some interesting things hiding out in there. I'll be ok. It just has to work its way through my system and I could get pneumonia if we don't take care of it. The doctor said my immune system is low because my weight is low. So of course now A. is trying to feed me a bunch and I have zero appetite.  He did get the Persian grilled chicken and rice I like. I had some for lunch and he's bringing home soup for dinner. 

I got really cold and my whole body was shaking so he put me in bed and held me until the meds kicked in. He joked that of course I would get an animal virus since I'm his p*****boy. He rubbed me until I fell asleep. 

We also did the paperwork to register our marriage this week and change my name and stuff. I'll get a new state ID and he's having it with the new address on it for when we move into the house in Orange County. 

I am OBSESSED with these wedding ring finger tattoos! I'm demanding we do it, but A is dead set against any marking of our bodies. I would either want a simple ring around our ring fingers made up of the rainbow flag colors like since we're gay and all. He frowned at that. OR!!! We could get each other's names in cursive wrapped around the ring finger. It could be first and last to go around. His name on me and my name on him. Our rings would cover most of it if we do it small enough. 

How cool would that be?? He made me swear I wouldn't do it unless he was with me and agreed to it. Of course I wouldn't do it alone without him doing it too. He says it would be sinful to mark such a perfect boy. I think his religion is against tattoos of any kind probably. He doesn't like to use the muslim card with me. 

It's weird like he doesn't talk about me becoming his religion. I don't really have a religion. I told him I want our kids to have it and for him to teach it to them and maybe even take them to a mosque and stuff. He got happy about that. He said he wasn't sure how I would feel about it. I told him they should have some kind of something since it's part of his culture and part of who we are. 

Back to bed. How sad am I? Friday afternoon and all I can do is hide under my comforter and rest. 

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