Saturday, May 5, 2018

What's next for Colton?

So chapter 12 of Colton is up now. Sorry for the delay. Chapter 13 though? I'll be not so busy soon. 

My final projects were CRAZY. It seems like every semester deeper into this program the professors want something bigger and better. 

If you like to read things in an incognito browser then here is the link to copy and paste (Don't click):

One cool thing is that I gave a presentation and it was open to guests so my husband guy (I still feel weird calling him that) came and sat in the front row and paid attention. It was really the first time he's gotten into something I've done. He didn't pull out his phone or look at his watch even when I noticed it buzz with a notification. He stared straight at me and paid attention. It was pretty cool. Normally I share his attention (other than during sex) with his friends and clients and games and emails and sports and other stuff. 

Should there be a next chapter of Colton? I don't know. Do the guys team up to defeat the older guys and evil scientist? Do they just have weird and entertaining hijinx? What say you? I got a lot of feedback and people wanted very different things for Julian in chapter 12. I know I disappointed about a third of readers, but the other two thirds (who were vocal) will hopefully be happy. 

Sometimes I get weird emails from readers. The funniest ones are the ones that go: 

Emri, I read the first 10 chapters and loved it, but now I will never read your stories EVER again! 

Then they go on to some way I offended or disillusioned them with the story. 

Chapter 12 of Colton will definitely get these emails because I included a racial slur, but it did have a purpose in the story! I hope... :) It's tricky to write about a culture that isn't mine, but I don't like the endless stories of white guys with white guys in love or white guys with super dominant hood stereotype black guys or white guys with super submissive young asian guys, etc... 

It's tough and I probably effed it up, but I write, I grow, I learn, I write more. 

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