Sunday, May 27, 2018

Hurricane Day two!

Last night I kept waking up which is funny because A. (the husband) always jokes that I can sleep through anything. I usually pass out and sleep 9 hours straight. Sometimes he'll carry me upstairs if I fall asleep in the car or on the couch. He'll take off my clothes and put me in bed without waking me up. But the tropical storm kept waking me up. The first few times he woke up because I wiggled out of his arms. Then he rubbed my shoulders and back until I fell asleep again. The last time though I made it out of his arms and spent awhile working on a Colton chapter while the wind and rain howled outside. It was a wild night. He was upset this morning that I didn't wake him up the last time. He likes to be the daddy and hates when I worry alone. 

Today it was raining sideways! We went out this morning and got breakfast (really good french toast). The hotel gave us an umbrella to use. This afternoon the sun came out for awhile and we got to see some sights. It's so beautiful. We're in Miami Beach. 

It's also "Urban Beach Weekend" in Miami Beach so there are a lot of loud partiers and music everywhere. Tonight it's pretty quiet. We went for dinner at this fancy place where we had to dress nice. We're guests of these older gays and some of them are from here. 

It's raining again but supposed to be better after tomorrow. I'm hoping to finish this chapter of Colton before we fly back to LA. It will be the first chapter I post from outside of California. :) 

The rain isn't so bad. We've spent a lot of time in the room. It's a room that adjoins a suite the guys got for us so they are in the bedrooms connecting. It's pretty cool. We're on a high floor and can see the ocean. A. is going to help them with some business properties they are investing in so I'll have some free time this week. Hopefully we can make it to the zoo. I want a stuffed alligator and he always gets me an animal when we go to the zoos. 

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