Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Working on Noah 21

Noah is coming along. I'm about a quarter through... maybe a third. I try to do 20-25 pages per Noah chapter. Emerson and Lincoln series were shorter, max 18 pages usually. Kasper is always the longest. He needs 25-30 pages, but there's a lot of dialogue so that's kind of cheating. It stretches it out.

It's weird how each series has its own flow like that. If I tried to write a 25 page Emerson chapter it just wouldn't work. But come to think of it, Emerson signs since he's deaf so there's a lot less short dialogue, it's more packed in. Interesting! I never thought about that until right now. I always just wondered why Emerson wrapped up so much shorter.

I think Lincoln is shorter because I try to make him as straight dude as possible and that's out of my realm. I'm a quiet, shy, femme boy and I'm ok with that. My man is too... or I guess fiancee I can say now. What a journey. Two years ago I never would have thought it would go this long and we'd be heading to something legal and stuff. Wow.

Oh ok so this is funny! I've had three readers email me recently about the Zakar twins (gay twin models) saying my stories inspired them to look up guys and they recommended I check them out.

Apparently my stories inspired them. I love when someone writes and says they never though about those guys. I know we shouldn't fetishize a culture... But maybe I'm spreading some goodwill? I know in France and Europe there is a huge fetish community around Arab and Middle Eastern guys. Maybe it's spreading here now? They are pretty cute.

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