Monday, June 5, 2017


After a week of not even reviewing it, Literotica is finally going to post Ch. 20 of Noah's Starship! yay! Next up is Kasper Ch. 7. I have had it halfway finished for over a week now but got stuck on a transition. Now it is coming to me and I feel like I can finish it this week. 

If you did read Ch. 20 of Noah's Starship, you saw about how Navid is preparing to tell his family. In real life, he still hasn't. It's so hard for him and I told him I don't want him doing it just for me. I couldn't live with myself if his parents cut him off or disowned him. I just don't want that happening. But he insists that he is going to do it. He says he knows for sure he wants something permanent with me and having that marriage paper is something he keeps pushing for. 

The funny thing is that I talk to his dad almost everyday. We videochat on the computer. He helped me with homework this semester and even reviewed some of my research papers. He likes to hear about my day and he tells me about his garden or his research or tries to explain soccer to me. I know he really wants a solid relationship with his kids, but they are growing up and don't spend as much time talking to him like he wants. It's odd because "Navid" is so worried about his father's approval. He works so hard to build the business, get the house, the fancy car. His dad really just wants to know his son. Would it be the end of the world to let him know who he really is? 

I know we won't have a huge expensive wedding. I don't want that... Well I do, but I don't want him spending crazy money on it. I just want us to be together with my dad there and some friends. There's a spot on the beach he took me to a long time ago near Santa Barbara that was so beautiful and perfect. A friend of his boss owns the place. I think I made a chapter of it in Noah's Starship. I would love to do it there, at a private beach house. How cool would that be? 

The Manchester concert was SO GOOD!!

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