Monday, June 26, 2017

Monday sucks

Kasper-8 is posted on nifty. Yay. I already got a few comments. I live for comments. I know I shouldn't. Good writing is its own reward... right. But I don't have people in my life who know about the writing so I sometimes need my readers. 

Working on Noah Ch. 21. Can you believe it?? 21 chapters. That is crazy! There has been a lot going on with telling "Navid's" family. It's been confusing but so far ok as you'll read in the chapter when I finish. 

Well this happened this morning :(  The supreme court upheld the travel ban which includes Iran. That means our summer plan is off. I got my passport so we could go somewhere and meet up with his family in Europe. I'm a US-American, but "Navid" is an Iranian citizen so... 
Travel Ban

Fuck fuck! Seriously. "Navid" is out working so I don't know if he knows yet. I know he is worried, but he doesn't like to bring up stuff that will upset me. This is so fucked. Seriously. Don't even know how I feel. I tune out from most news. I shouldn't. It just never interested me, but now it's in my relationship. 


  1. You can still make your plans to travel. Especially since you two are engaged to be married and Navid is working here in CA. Navid shoukd qualify for the exemption due to having met both of these qualifications.

    Under the compromise crafted by the court,“foreign nationals who have a credible claim of a bona fide relationship with a person or entity in the United States” are exempted from the ban.

    "The students from the designated countries who have been admitted to the University of Hawaii have such a relationship with an American entity," the court said. "So too would a worker who accepted an offer of employment from an American company or a lecturer invited to address an American audience."

    Since many visitors from the six affected countries have such a relationship, the impact of the order may be narrow.

  2. We don't want to take the chance. This country is in way too much up and down , back and forth right now... So we're going to get married, but also play it safe.
