Monday, November 25, 2019

Monday in Texas

I am so in love with my parent-in-laws. 

My mother-in-law did the sweetest thing. She had some pictures of us (me and husband) printed and hung them up in the bedroom we use when we are here in their home. She even framed the picture we took on our wedding day (the small, quick wedding because I was over trying to plan a big event). She put it on the dresser in our room. She said this is our place and wants us to feel at home. So sweet. 

His dad! Ok so my father-in-law is pushing my husband to teach me to drive and get me a car. I have no urge to drive. Maybe it's my generation, but we just aren't car people, at least not in LA. 

My husband does NOT like being told what to do with me. That is the one area of his life where he will push back on influence from his parents. When it comes to me, he likes to handle his boy. But he had been telling his dad that he was teaching me to drive. That was not true. 

So my FIL gave me the keys to his car and said "Why don't you drive it out of the driveway and then you can drive us up to the big road." They live on a small road that is like a long street that ends in a cul-de-sac where they are at the end

I looked at my husband with panic so he jumped in and said, "He is not used to your car. Is too big for him. He will be too nervous and damage things.  Is not for tiny boy." (FIL has a huge SUV)

That worked. Then we were driving to dinner and FIL asked what kind of car I will get. I don't know cars and car brands.  My husband only gets Lexus so I said Lexus. 


Thanksgiving in Texas is going well. We went to the gym today and then went to a Persian market to get things his mom needed. His mom sent us to the one she goes to, but when we got close to it the neighborhood looked really sketchy! 

My husband said, "This is not a place for you!" That's what he says when a neighborhood does not look safe. It was an old shopping center on a busy street with run down apartments around it. It looked like the bad parts of the San Fernando Valley. Wide, crumbling boulevards stuffed with old apartments and payday lending businesses. 

The market was decent. It was mostly Arab people and I stuck by my husband and followed him. 

Usually he zones out in a grocery store. He pushes the cart and plays with his phone while I fill it with what we need. He only looks up when it is time to put his card in the little pay machine at checkout. But this time I was the cart pusher since I had no idea how to read what she wrote or how to read any of the packages. He guided us through it and did all the talking. 

We made it out ok. I didn't realize just how big of a Middle Eastern population this area has. I was definitely the one who stuck out. 


  1. Going back and forth on me driving here. Drove the brother's SUV in Wadi Rum. It was scary fun... Not quite as fun as jumping out of an airplane.

    1. Yeah!! Me trying to drive his dad's car would be like a boy in a spaceship. It's a Land Cruiser, that is a huge SUV. It's fun to ride in, but i would hit everything! Even my husband doesn't like it because it is hard to park. His dad wanted a car that could hold the whole family comfortably.

  2. You should ask for an autonomous car, then your husband won’t have to teach you and you won’t need to learn:)

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!

    1. That would be nice. I think he is more concerned just about me being out on my own in the big scary world that is just waiting to crush his innocent boy. haha. People keep falling asleep inside those cars. I would too. When we go on road trips I pass out.

  3. Miss you Emri. Hope you are having wonderful holidays! Love your writing, and I'm learning so much like respect for hierarchy and how authority should be given to the ones with ability.
