Saturday, November 16, 2019

Awkward Gym!

We went to the gym this morning. My husband got SO upset! 

I was running on a treadmill and this hot guy with a gym nametag came over and introduced himself. 

I got scared and I took my earbud out and slowed my run. Then he starts asking me what kind of workout I usually do. 

Me: Umm. Just this stuff and yoga usually. 

Him: Ahh yeah. Have you thought about weights? 

Me: No, just the freeweights at home usually. 

Him: I could totally show you some routines and help you bulk up some! Have you had sessions with a trainer before? 

So I realize he is a trainer trying to sell me sessions. I've never had that happen at our gym. Then he asks if my parents have a plan for it. I realize he thinks I'm a teenager. 

My husband comes over in a rush looking heated. He shooed the guy away politely but he looked really upset. The whole thing was so uncomfortable! I told my husband he was just trying to sell training packages. So husband talked to the manager about interrupting people's workouts to sell things. The manager said that's not their policy and apologized. Then we left. 

So I guess we won't be back to that gym. It wasn't the one we usually go to. It was really awkward. 

My husband said, "He tries to sell more than plan. He has eyes. I know those eyes!" 

So I gave him a nice massage when we got home. He gets so worked up over that stuff. 

He said, "I do not want my boy bothered like this. He need to be train better!" 

Happy Saturday! :) 


  1. I see his point. He protects his baby, however possible.

    I've had better weeks too.

    1. Oh he was pissed!! He parks me at a cardio area and then checks in on me as he goes through his weight machines. I've never had an issue. It was weird.

  2. Huh. Your husband was right to be wary of this person in my opinion. If that guy really was trying to sell you something, he would have waited until you were done with your routine to approach you.

    Way to go, husband!

    1. Yeah I have never had that happen before. It was really strange! I guess he had his sales goal to meet or something. My husband was not pleased.

  3. And the guy thought you were under age. That is even more creepy.

    1. For real! I think he was just desperate to sell his services. He's probably just starting out. He didn't look too much older than me. But my husband did spend the evening reclaiming me so that was nice!! :)

    2. That’s what I was thinking too! Targeting a minor, even if he only wanted to sell his training services you shouldn’t contract with minors.

    3. The whole thing was weird. Looking at the google reviews on that gym though that location seems to have a problem with it. I doubt many actually complain to the manager like my husband. Maybe they will stop doing it. We go to different gyms all the time and I've never had that problem. HE says we will go back to the smaller one where his weight machines are within a few feet of the cardio machines I use. It's not as spread out or divided.

  4. Ah, you remember my gym incident with the guy who put his hands on me? That was at a Gold's gym and we have never been back. It is totally like a meat market at some gyms. We only go to privately owned gyms now and have not had any more problems.

    Your husband was right to make him leave. He could have had other motives.

    1. Yes! Yours was woah! I normally don't look guys in the eye when I see them looking at me. Most times, my husband parks me near an old lady or man or a mom looking type. haha. He says it is good protection.

  5. Even though these gyms can be meat markets or places to hook-up, married people like you guys aren't free to do this; but you still need to get out and you need exercise. Nice you have husbands to fight these jerks off so you can get your exercise done.

  6. I wouldn’t go to Crunch or Bodies in Motion. Or at least avoid the locker rooms if you do. And the hot tubs, steam rooms, parking lots if it’s late, haha

    1. I always text him when I need to pee and he will go with me. haha. Normally there is no issue!

  7. Emri, not sure if you're complaining. For me I think it's cool you have a bodyguard! Sound's like a complaint, but maybe you're bragging like I would be.
