Friday, May 31, 2019

My tired Persian

Well this has been a fun week! My husband's mother is visiting and I put her to work doing what she loves, organizing our kitchen, making meals, decorating, and cleaning. She is loving it. I think she is bored being in Texas in a giant house with her husband working all the time and her only son there in classes full time. She feels useful here and it makes my husband happy to see her get along so well with me. 

Funny though because she is driving him crazy. As much as he loves her he is not used to her being there full time and criticizing him or making demands of him (she likes to be taken out for shopping and other things). It's paying off for me though because he has told me at least five times a day how fortunate he is to have married me. 

He said, "I am so lucky to have you and not have a Persian wife." (His parents would have chosen a good Persian girl for him if he hadn't finally come out to them about who he was and who he loved -me!). He said I am his calming boy, his beautiful one who is good to him and good for him. That makes me happy. It also makes me think I could get away with demanding more, but that's just not who I am. He gives me plenty of attention and affection. He buys more than I need and never says no when I ask to get something. I don't really know what I would push for. :) It's not like I want a car. I just want more of him. 

It was sweet when he came to bed one night this week and held me and laced his fingers through mine and rubbed over the wedding ring on my finger and said, "Is best thing I ever decide. I am so blessed," then kissed my cheek and hugged me. I am so proud to be his. 

Our new house is really nice. It is a piece of land that is behind other houses then has a hillside behind it. It has this long driveway that winds around the other houses on the street then connects to the roadway with a gate. It's really private and quiet. Below is is a newer neighborhood with nice houses that are crammed together on smaller lots. My husband calls them "the little people." He means it jokingly. 

He is driving more for work right now but getting things set up to work more from home. He hired two younger guys who are going to be out doing the fieldwork for him and he will direct them and put together deals from the home office he set up. That will let him be here more. 

Hopefully that means we will be able to go out on a Friday night instead of him being home and exhausted from a week of hard work. Right now he is watching a game with my dad. It's great and all, but I kinda wanted to go out and see a movie or something. 

He told me we could go somewhere, but I could see how tired he was and how much he just wanted to be on the couch in basketball shorts and a tank top with a beer... 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Time to get back to it

The move is pretty much finished. We did so much work and our new house is still only like half filled. We have our bedroom and his parents' bedroom (the guest room) set up plus the living and dining room. We still have two other bedrooms with nothing in them. It's a much bigger space and we both agreed we don't need to fill it all just to fill it. 

I saved the kitchen except for the things we needed because my husband's mom flew in today. It was so funny how she lit up when she came and I told her "I really need your help with the kitchen. I am so lost!" My husband translated this into Farsi and she got this big grin and then nodded and hugged me.  Like any Persian mother she likes to be in charge and it will keep her busy for a few days. 

It made my husband so happy that I did that for her. Honestly I don't care how the kitchen is organized and it built her up to act like I need the help so that is good and I will get rewarded from my guy. He loves that I make his mom happy because his brother's spouses don't get along with her and fight her on things. In our house she gets to be the chief advisor and it pleases her. 

I wish his dad had come with her. He is working but he said he will come this weekend. I haven't seen him in awhile and we have the best talks. 

On the Ahmed and Dylan front, I should be getting back to it this week. I have ideas and things are settling down here. Husband is going to be working and his mother will be doing the kitchen and getting furniture for the other two rooms so I will have time to write. She's also cleaning which is nice. 

We haven't bought baby stuff yet. It's still in the works. We had to find another donor. My husband said he will tell me when we have something really going. Otherwise I get excited and disappointed and obsess about it. I don't need to do that just yet... 

Sunday, May 12, 2019

In the process

Hi everyone! I will be absent for the next few weeks until things settle down here. 

We got the new house this weekend. It is so perfect. It is a dream. I've never lived in a place without other people around or attached to us. Everything is all ours. We even have a gate around the front with a remote to open it. It's not huge, but it is private and so quiet. 

Husband and I went Friday night and the cleaners were fixing everything up so we went for dinner then got a bottle of wine and some stuff from the grocery store and had a little private party in the empty house for just the two of us. We had some time alone with our new place. 

It's awesome! This week I am going to be packing, cleaning, tossing stuff. We have SO MUCH Stuff!! I blame his mother. Every time she visits she buys things we need plus my husband buys things and he has his whole media setup. It grew a lot this year. 

Ahmed and Dylan will be coming back in June. I promise. 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

SKipping Ramadan

So Ramadan started. It is a month long thing of fasting from sun up (6am in SoCal) to sunset (8pm). I only know about it because I heard it on the radio and I turned to my husband and sad "Oh! Happy Ramadan!" And he gave me a guilty look and said "Yes, I will be praying much this month." He is totally skipping the fasting! 

I tell him he's a lazy muslim😇. He never talks about it with me. too funny. I told him don't feel bad about it, but I do want our kids to learn his religion. They should know their culture. 

I'm sure his parents think he is fasting. I notice because he didn't check in or post about the cool lunch place we went to today in Orange County. It was so cute, an old church they turned into a restaurant. 

I can see his social media but I don't post on it. If I take a pic of something I post it in our couples' app and then he decides if it goes online or not. Sometimes he just responds with "This is for us, baby." That means no. 

Actually the last pic I sent him was a definite no. We were sitting at a coffee shop waiting for a client and chilling on the couch. He had on a nice suit with these pants that hugged his bulge so perfectly from the way he was sitting plus he had on these nice leather shoes that are cute. I took a pic of our laps and legs. His legs were spread open wide like a man does and I was pressed into his left side with my legs closed wearing jeans and Vans. He had his left hand on my thigh and coffee in his right. I remember he was talking business on his earpods while I was playing with my phone. It's a cute pic and so very much us, but of course he didn't post that. his bulge looked too.... bulged. 

Today we went to see the new house. It is empty and our offer was accepted and put through so the owners are gone already to Hawaii. Their realtor let us in to look at it. It is huge! It's older but redone. It has beautiful floors and this step down living room that has all glass doors on the back of it to show the hillside view. It's very private because behind it is a wall and then wooded cliff. It has fire clearance so that should help if the wildfires flare up around there this summer. So it has small green backyard then desert landscape for clearance then wall then cliff with trees. 

We are moving in a few weeks. I have a lot to do. Final projects to work on and some Ahmed to write. :) Hope everyone had a great weekend. My husband surprised me with the new airpods. They are SO AWESOME! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

too close...

I am going to be missing for a bit! We decided on a house and they agreed to the offer. My husband is ecstatic about getting a much bigger space with room for his parents, my dad, our future babies. It is really pretty and on a hillside overlooking Orange County. It has a little backhouse with the garage so my dad is excited to have his own space again where he can be messy and have things his way but still join us for meals and family things. It'll be good. 

We are going to move in a few weeks. They are eager to be out. It'll be good. My husband got his company to let him hire two guys he will train to do his job and he will oversee them so it'll let him take on more projects without having to be out and driving around all day. They will do the work and he will supervise and put the projects together. It will let him work from home more and be with me. 

Last week was really rough in dealing with things. A friend of mine I grew up with is gone forever. I was really sad and clingy to my husband. He liked having me buzzing around him constantly, now I am kind of pulling back to my regular routine and he is like "Hey where did my honeybee go?" I am not normally all over him all the time. He liked the attention. 

It's funny because he has no boundaries when it comes to me. Like last night in the shower, ok this is kinda gross, sorry. We were just talking and cleaning ourselves and all of a sudden I feel the soap in my butt and I'm like "HEY! No!" haha. Gross, I know, sorry! 

I clean myself down there. He is welcome to it after I have done my job. He thinks of us as one person which I guess is good since we're married and all, but I always want to be his perfect, clean, ready to go boy. Usually I shower alone after I go to the gym before he gets home from work. Then he comes home to me all clean and fresh and making his dinner. 

He is the man of my dreams, I am the boy of his reality. 

Ok I promise I will make some progress on Ahmed Chapter 7. I have two pages down. I know what I want to write, but I also have final projects and now a move to prepare for. I need more time.