Saturday, May 20, 2017

Too hot to BBQ

Halfway through a heatwave in LA. We were supposed to have an afternoon BBQ with his friends, but with the heat we decided to push it to dinner. The Persian, I call him "Navid" on here, is downstairs watching some soccer match with his friends before they fire up the grill. That leaves me some time to write. He doesn't expect me to sit there while they watch sports. 

I'm working on ch. 6 of Kasper's Den and also ch. 20 of Noah's Starship. I go back and forth between the two, eventually one will win and be finished first. I feel like Noah ch. 20 should be something crazy awesome. I don't really have anything crazy awesome though. We do have exciting times coming up though. I got my passport so this summer he's supposed to take me somewhere exciting as a surprise. I know he's said he misses London. Anywhere would be exciting though and hopefully his parents would meet up with us. 

Next month will be two years since we met. TWO YEARS! How crazy is that? It feels like we've been together forever. "Navid" says it feels like just yesterday. I don't know if that's good or bad. He's become so much of who I am; our daily routine, our little home, our nightly falling asleep ritual. 

Ok back to writing. 

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